let’s have a thread were we share ideas for new class glyphs!
a glyph is an item that changes how an ability looks!
i will start with mine:
Glyph: Army of the farmer

Changes your army of the dead to summon wild sheeps.
(unholy death knight)
Glyph: Blackout Strike
Changes your blackout kick to use your weapon: work only if it’s a staff.
im curious to see other ideas!
Glyph of the Man’ari
For the Draenei who want to be bad/reformed bad guy
I just want two:
Glyph: Hooves - your feets are now hooves, like during the metamorphosis
Glyph: Parmanent Wings - your wing are always out
for that it would be cooler to have a questline like the dark ranger customisation options when they add draenei warlock
Great ideas!
(Minor) Glyph of Fart - when you /fart you release a little green smoke from your bum
This would be a game changer in Wow
Doesn’t have to be green
Glyph of Void Shield
Power Word: Shield takes on a void-themed appearance.
Fun side note, the spell visual exists already. Certain mobs in the Ny’alotha raid uses it.
i would add Glyph of Ny’alothas Empower
Turns your (i don’t remember priest buff name) into having a ny’alotha simbol and void-ish look
The trinket Void Stone gives one…
They totally could do it

Glyph of the cat (druid) - While in cat form, you can scratch and bite people, blatantly refuse to follow commands and punt people’s items off a cliff but still being loved for some reason
ok so: as glyphs i mean things about changing how abilityes look! even thought the ideas are cool!
Spriest glyph- Turns your shadowform into a light form, all your shadow abilities are now light based visually. Also does not change your appearance when SL is active and you look normal.
Balance druid- Simmilar to the Spriest one but just hides the moonkin form.
Feral druid- Seberon cat form
Now I would like to propose another idea. Race glyphs.
Dwarves- You are permently in stoneform (visually obv).
Void elves- the visual effects of Entropic Embrace are dimisnished or changed to Light/Arcane/etc.
Space goats- Super light nuke can be changed to be a Arcane/Nature/etc nuke.
I am not up to date with latest glyphs, but here are some silly ideas… 
Hunter: Murder of crows, replace crows with Pepes swooping in to attack

Mechagnome Mage: Polymorph: Dripping oil can
Human Mage: Polymorph: Trunk with legs… for that Discworld vibe… 
And have 10% to be dazed 5secs coughing fur
Hunter - Glyph of Alarm-bot
Replace the sentinel owl like effect on the New Reveal spell in hunter Class Tree by a little drone.
Hunter - Glyph of Rapid Shot
Replace the Arrows in Rapid fire by firegun ammo and impact.
Demon Hunter - Glyph of Fel Hunt
Gives a more fel-like look to The Hunt.
Warrior - Glyph of Venthyr’s blessing
Replace Execution effect by the Condemn one.
Warrior - Glyph of chains
Spear of bastion get a new sober look, with chains for bindings.
Hunter - Glyphs of Chains of Domination
Give Binding shot a new look based on Sylvanas bossfight chained arrow.
Rogue - Glyph of Pistolero
Give more appearance choices for the Pistol Shot pistol.
Warrior - Glyph of Throwing
Give your main weapon appearance to Heroic Throw.
Monk - Glyph of multi-cloning
Storm, earth and fire now use you appearance and transmog without being translucent.
Monk - Glyph of Thundering Kicks
Add electric effect in Spinning crane kick and make it blue.
Blessing of Old Kings (?) (Paladin) - Changes your appearance to a Titan being.
Consecration (perhaps already ingame) (Paladin) - Rays of Light emit from the Ground Cracks of Consecration.
Seraphim (Paladin) - Seraphim lets you glow in Light (instead of changing weapon appearance and adding a stupid crown to your head).
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I might be wrong, but I think this is the case in DF.
No, unfortunately. It’s still blue!
one i have been wanting since legion, a DH version of glyph of stars, u fel ish version of normal character model instead of that super derp demon form, jumping in & out of meta every 30 seconds is nauseating for some of us with motion sickness
not to mention every time the camera jumps up it clips/bumps into ceilings, trees, various other random objects & forces you to manually re-adjust camera scroll every time, still cant figure out how a cosmetic option takes precedence over health/QOL features