Share your goldfarms

Hello my fellow wow enjoyers. Most of us are 25+ yo and we have 9-5 job (9-8 I would say). We don’t have much time to play the game, and some of us don’t want to buy gold. Please, share your best gold farms, not related to a class (ZF spam as a mage), so we can take notes and get our BOEs and consumes! I know that all of them are known, but this topic can bring back hope for some casual, like me

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In 2019 I made around 80g/hour farming Herbs in Maraudon and crafting them into LIPs.

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Yeah good idea, lets overcrowd out farming areas so none of us will get gold lol

I do quests. 5-10 gold from each quest. Can do one-two quests per hour, good for me. Didn’t find anything as lucrative. Quests are finite, though, not sure what to do after it.

Everything I tried has extremely bad gold returns. I had really high expections from Dire Maul release, I thought I’d heal DME, will need on runes and occasionally mine those veins, but it turned out that healers are in huge abundance for Dire Maul and getting a group is almost impossible. Also like every group seems to be HR those veins, so there’s that…

Today I tried to farm ores in Silithus, mined one mithril vein and then was ganked by rogue, died 3 times and decided that it’s bad gold per hour.

My “Plan B” is to level hunter and do hunter things (not sure exactly what they do, but I think they have something), level 13 already.

I’m very terrified by upcoming battlegrounds as I feel that I’d need to spend all my time there and I have no idea where to get gold for raids which cost quite a fortune for me.

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The easiest - you go ZF on mage, steady 50g/h. 2hours per week gets you all consumes that you need.
Harder - DM duo farm with herb/mining/enchanting. 150g/h
Hardest - boosting as a mage. 300g/h

Basically just go farm ZF while watching netflix.
If you don’t have a mage, get a mage. As simple as that.

Hunter is fun, just farmed my epic mount in DMN soloing Tribute runs. Can also take mining and solo DME for veins.

Herbalism (Black Lotus, Plaguebloom, Mountain Silversage, Dreamfoil), Mining (Thorium, Black Iron, Arcanite crystals) and Skinning(ony/dragon elites, devilsaur etc) are all good money makers.
Crafting professions only if you have the rare recipes, otherwise mats sell better on their own most of the time.

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get herb to 245 and mining to 185 and jump into maraudon, Get all those weeds, Ghost Mushrooms and Mithril Deposit.

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Too much fun here, it’s an advertising for new player? Will work for sur.