Should blizzard scrap the horde?

as TWW becomes alliance centric. I believe it is time for the horde to disband and go on thier independent ways or some horde factions join alliance?

how do ye all feel about this proposal? horde only exists as a gameplay feature nowdays so thats why I will 100% play alliance in the TWW because horde is no longer in me.

Do we need the horde as playable faction anymore?

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The only way to balance it is by making Midnight super Horde centric. Otherwise you are correct. Blizzard is completely uninterested even in habing slight tensions between two factions.

It’s all rainbow and ponies now. Quite literally in some cases.

The first step to salvage it would be to have separate hubs for each faction again. With TWW having shared one it will 3rd expansion in a row to do so.

Blizzard never went more than three in the past to have continuous shared or separate hubs back to back.

This means Midnight must have each hub for Alliance and the Horde. Another bow into Horde centric expansion would be to not to have Alliance hub within Quel’thalas during midnight. But perhaps in reclaimed Gilneas with easy access to expansion’s zones.

You have two new nations introduced in TWW. New Dwarves and Humans. This screams Alliance. Unlike let’s say BfA where we had Kul Tirans and Zandalari.

Both Earthen and Arathi will have obviously have their architecture very reminiscent of both Stormwind and Ironforge. Places that you can reach in one flight. No deep tram required.

There is no Zandalar or Durotar balance the scales. On top of that Key characters are gonna be Darling Little Angel Jaina, Homeless Anduin and Modern Alleria. With Thrall being thrown out there because Metzen is back.

One story and one point of view which is very heavily leaning toward the Alliance.

Many people are fresh back from MoP remix. In that expansion we had two stories. Alliance one and the Horde one.

In the Horde the events were focusing on Lor’themar, Vol’jin and Baine. Blood Elf, Troll and Tauren.

People very much appreciated the dynamics between the three. As it was their first time working together. And they had been of different race and being leaders of the said races.

Alliance was focused on Varian, Anduin and Jaina three humans. Who at that time were very well acquainted, offering little nuance to their relations.

TWW feels like we are getting BfA but with double Kul Tiras and zero Zandalar. Like we are getting MoP with only the Alliance part to it.

Awful bait topic.

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I feel very bad about this proposal and find it short sighted.
I believe we do need to have both factions, probably without any major conflict between them but keeping their identity separate, like it was in vanilla, TBC and Wotlk for example.

To those complaining about “TWW is alliance centered” do not be so short-sighted, guys. If every expansion would be perfectly symmetrical it would be boring. I actually like the idea of, says, this expansion be alliance races centered while another one being horde races centered.

Remember that in Midnight the plot will be happening in Quel’thalas, a home to at least 2 horde related factions: blood elves and trolls (and I am personally very excited to see amani trolls given good development). So it’s quite plausible that the next expansion will be leaning more to the horde.

Althogh I would also like to see bit of void elves and high elves development. As much as I like void elves as playable race, we’re given a very meager lore of low quality, especially if you compare it to our counterparts - Nightborne with their rich history, plot and culture.

And 3 alliance related factions since most elves are still part of the alliance. Stop arguing in bad faith. We all know Blizzard will find a way to backe the blood elves sidelined in their own backyard they already did it back during the Sunwell patch remind you.

What is great about a starting zone being turned into endgame content?

Not even close to it no.


If the messages could flagged for stupidity, you would’ve gotten banned.

I wasn’t even talking to you and you jump on me with all your aggressive cliches. Until you change your tone to more mature and respective, I won’t be answering you, my friend.

TWW is alliance centered. Blood elves getting scraps bits in Midnight will Not change that.