Should blizzard scrap the horde?

Also because there’s a difference between attacking a Nerubian military convoy and dropping a magical nuclear warhead on a town full of civilians just because you happen to hit some military targets in the process. That’s not strictly a matter of perspective, it’s a factual difference in what’s happening. And that’s what the outrage at Theramore was actually about (in game).

You could say that the Horde should be the faction that’s okay with mass murder civilians or whatever, but that’s a pretty dramatic volte face from what the Horde was set up to represent by the end of WarCraft III and leads to stupid stuff like Rexxar showing up in Kul Tiras claiming he’s going to ‘reclaim lands for the Horde’ (don’t Google ‘original Orc home’, Rexxar).

I don’t disagree with you that they could have written faction conflict without having the Horde immediately press the ‘nuke civilians’ button and having the Horde seppuku in the fallout, but apparently Blizzard doesn’t agree because they’ve used that plot device twice now. I mean I thought a cute example was the opening of Legion, where they have a situation where each faction has asymmetrical information. To the Alliance, it looked like the Horde abandoned them so that Varian would be killed. To the Horde, it was a justified retreat to stop them from being overwhelmed and annihilated from their flank. They even have the Alliance lead the aggression against the Horde as a B-plot in Legion. Then as soon as it’s over they forget about trying to give each side justified grievance, misunderstood information, and rash decisions by hotheads and just have the Horde press the ‘fire magical nukes at civilian centres’ button again. Just pap, really.

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They keep killing Horde leaders for being rude to the alliance while keeping Alliance leaders alive because they are their self inserts. This is intnetional.

ok, if we had clarified that - it was also a lethal military target.
the horde of fanybody wouldn’t be crying about it anymore#

and even in the book, horde member were Shocked and disgusted by the methorde

also he claimed jaina must be killed because she spiled to much blood- ignoring sylvans did the first step, delcare war on the alliance, invade ashjenvale and darkshore and comit genocide on the nighelf, buning teldrasil and gased her won trops at the battle of Undercity…

How about horde leader try not to start wa war that bring them to the choping block, ebcause its alwasy horde aggresin which elad to alliance reacttion

They keep killing Horde leaders for being rude to the alliance while keeping Alliance leaders alive because they are their self inserts. This is intnetional.

Now you’re just conspiracy theorising. They kill Horde leaders because they want their story to have SHOCK VALUE above all else and they turn to Horde leaders (often but not always, see Varian Wrynn) because they tend not to have tons of fans, not least because they never use them.

As for being ‘self-inserts’, Thrall is literally voiced by the guy who created him. That’s all I’ll really say.

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The Horde cast is in shambles right now after Bfa was over. They have no one but Thrall left. That is so bad infact pretty much everyone in TWW minus Thrall is a notable figure from the blue team and even content creators noticed it. Blizzard hates the Horde. that is a fact.

No, the idea was to hit mostly military leaders and sorry, but performing an act of agression against another military faction knowingly then hiding behind civvies, isn’t a viable tactic. Besides there were no civves left in Theramore since the Alliance was warned about the incoming attack and they were evacuated, those that stayed behind were actively aiding the military turning themselves into legitimate targets.

You want civilian nuking, you got plenty of that in Teldrassil. So let’s be fair.

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No, the idea was to hit mostly military leaders and sorry, but performing an act of agression against another military faction knowingly then hiding behind civvies, isn’t a viable tactic. Besides there were no civves left in Theramore since the Alliance was warned about the incoming attack and they were evacuated, those that stayed behind were actively aiding the military turning themselves into legitimate targets.

You want civilian nuking, you got plenty of that in Teldrassil. So let’s be fair.

…you realise that they received warning from Baine Bloodhoof, leader of a Horde faction, because Garrosh’s plan was to nuke a civilian centre, yes?

Whether they managed to evacuate all the civilians or not, the point is that there is in fact still a difference between indiscriminate attacks on civilian centres and attacks on military convoys. This is not a ‘difference of perspective’, one’s a war crime and the other isn’t. And although there’s a small but insistent contingent of players that insists the Horde should commit more and bigger war crimes, in fact most Horde players think it sucks as a direction to take the Horde in, are grossed out by the fact that Blizzard thinks it’s a good idea, and in-universe most of the Horde’s subfactions would also find it abhorrent.

Which is why it’s so stupid that ‘The Horde does War Crimes’ is the subtitle of two expansions. There were plenty of sensible options for the factions to fight without one faction immediately committing war crimes and exploding into civil war, and Blizzard bungled it both times.

The Horde cast is in shambles right now after Bfa was over. They have no one but Thrall left. That is so bad infact pretty much everyone in TWW minus Thrall is a notable figure from the blue team and even content creators noticed it. Blizzard hates the Horde. that is a fact.

I mean I agree that they should do some work characterising the Horde leaders and it would be cool to spend time with them. As for Blizzard HATING them, that sounds like a petulant tantrum more than a fact considering the number of people who swear up and down that Blizzard HATES the Alliance.

We got zero attention outside faction war. That speaks for itself.

We don’t want new characters we want the legends of the past just like how the alliance was allowed to keep all of their veterans.

Not quite all, Varian is gone.

Also, we had a whole expansion where we visited the legends of the Horde past.

No, actually they didn’t. Cause Baine didn’t know that he was coming with a nuke. He just knew that Garrosh will send his army to attack the Fortress, not to nuke it. Get your facts straight there, chief.

Turalyon? Alleria? Danath? Magni? Tyrande? Malfurion? Khadgar? Kurdran? Sounds to me like the OGs are all alive so far.

I mean the WC2 Horde guys are all gone because they were literally invaders who came to Azeroth to conquer it, lost the war, and then blew their own planet up in their mad scramble to survive. Nehrzul literally blew up Draenor and then became the Lich King. And Hellscream still managed not one but two redemption plotlines. And you got to meet them all and hang out in a ‘what if’ universe where they were actually all great people who totally, absolutely, definitely weren’t all in on the whole drinking the blood of demons and going on a rampage idea, no way.

Some of the people you list are in grey areas. Khadgar is officially non-aligned; Magni was too (not sure if he will be after TWW), but doesn’t belong in this list anyway since he’s not one of the ‘OG’s’.

As for WC3, I guess we’ve still got Thrall, Rokhan and Rexxar. I agree it’s not as many and they’re not as fleshed out. But again, hopefully they do flesh them out.

Of those only Thrall is an OG. Everyone else is dead. I reject ever orc leader that came after Warcraft 3 Initial launch. I want the cool people back.

You seem to not pay attention. They never bothered to give Horde characters anything. They kept using alliance veterans over and over again, proof by all past expansions.

So what you’re saying is that Baine didn’t know they were actually going to drop a magical nuke on Theramore, but he still was so disgusted by the thought of attacking a civilian centre that he sent warning to Jaina. This makes the ‘attacking a civilian centre’ part okay because…?

Notice that we don’t drop a magical nuke on the City of Threads even though everyone agrees that Queen Ansurek is a servant of Xal’atath, an incredible dangerous void being. It could be that there’s a message in here to be deciphered.

Rexxar and Rok’han were both in TFT. When you say ‘cool people’ do you mean the WarCraft II Horde? Because that’s not going to happen. Well, it’s not going to happen again, remember, you got an entire expansion where that happened.

You seem to not pay attention. They never bothered to give Horde characters anything. They kept using alliance veterans over and over again, proof by all past expansions.

So we’ve gone from ‘recently’ to ‘all past expansions’ over the course of your argument. Was Warlord of Draenor a fever dream? Were those prerendered cinematics a daydream? Was Sylvanas Windrunner never War Chief?

Those are all dead too. Geya’rah is Thrall but female and with Orc parents.

Is no longer part of the Horde.

That’s alliance bias.

They should have won.

I’m not saying any of that, cause it’s dumb. You can find all the details on the Jaina Proudmoore novel. Baine helped her because she helped him in the past, I think financially. Plus Garrosh killed his dad and didn’t like him much. But that’s all he did. Sent a guy to warn her some tauren ninja. But then he joined in the attack himself so I guess he wasn’t that disgusted.

Look, I don’t get the questioning, the damned place was neutral. It remained neutral nothing happened to it. Then Jaina allows Varian to use it as an entry point into Kalimdor for the Alliance. So it stopped being neutral and it became hostile to the Horde and therefore open to attack. Not to mention that because of Baine’s warning the city had filled with miltiary personnel and several commanders.

And no, we just drop smaller nukes on large gathering of military personnel, right?