Should blizzard scrap the horde?

I truly wish they would have gone with the “redemption” arc that they build on cataclysm on garrosh. but instead he seemed to be just easy target as villain.It was overly cheesy in MoP the whole garrosh arc and his lines too it felt like they didnt even bother to put some depth into it

Whole idea of garrosh was to bring the good old days and stay away from being slaves to another forces but instead he went for an another master to slave all orcs again

There would be no WoW if they’d won.

There would. Just with Orcs instead of Humans.

So, with the current story and zones I’ve got such Alliance overdose, that I’ve created an orc warrior and leveled him in few days… I plan to main him at this point and overall play the Horde going forward. So no, don’t scrap it or I’ll go insane. Arathi and earthen being formally “neutral” doesn’t count, those are still elfohumans and dwarves doing elfohuman and dwarf stuff, i.e. the Alliance. All the main characters are also Alliance. I feel offended while babysitting stupid Anduin as an orc.

That being said, I’m not sure Blizz knows what to do with the Horde. They obviously don’t like all that savage Kalimdor zag-zag themes of the Horde, and without those the Horde loses it’s point. I’m afraid going forward we will get either recolored alliance or some toothless and mindless soy “noble aboriginal” bs. The Horde as a faction convulses since MoP, and it seems it’s only getting worse

Earthen, Pandaren and Dracthyr are indications that they will try to humanize the Horde as much as possible.

Modern writers dont like to write your typical barbarism stories, or anything that feels out of the norm. Forcefully changing race’s own heritage’s and reasons why they are how they are just is gonna break the story. Ofc you can build kind of “enlightenment” story but this isnt it some of the history and culture wont ever go completly away and it shouldnt

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I’m more afraid of them civilizing the Horde. We have Bloods and those Nigh Elf knock-offs for that. The rest must remain tribal and untamed. But as we all know someone on X can become offended by that…

edit: to be fair, orc heritage quest is great and gives me some sliver of hope

Well its the same with forsaken they dont know at all what forsaken actually meant originally so they went to soften up it all too. The darker more complicated themes are really no no for the modern writer architype which is why many dark fantasy things nowdays are turning into typical fantasy

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yeah true I remember reading some modern novel marketed to me as “dark fantasy”. it was as dark as idyllical meadows in the sunny afternoon

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No, because the Orcs were acting as a vanguard of the Burning Legion who would have gladly burned Azeroth up.

Can’t stand the idea of humans no longer ruling the world? Bohoooeoh you.

The issue is whenever something happens to the Alliance there is eventual justice in the form of the culprit being permanently killed off or replaced. Usually with the settlement that is destroyed being rebuilt or replaced with something better.

Whenever the Horde has a legitimate grievance, however, there’s no meaningful consequences. No death or replacement. Vereesa gleefully oversaw the torture of civilians during the Purge of Dalaran. Civilians. The torture of civilians was correctly cited as a war crime when Garrosh did it and Theramore captives being used as target dummies for Garrosh’s forces isn’t exactly much different to Vereesa’s forces feeding Blood Elves to sharks or slaughtering them when, out of the blue, they’re ambushed in their homes, businesses and out in the streets with the demand that they either go to prison or into exile.

I don’t like either faction. I only care about specific playable races within each. The faction war and the decision to force certain races to fit either one of two factions has greatly damaged the integrity and trajectory of those very same races.

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So, with the current story and zones I’ve got such Alliance overdose, that I’ve created an orc warrior and leveled him in few days… I plan to main him at this point and overall play the Horde going forward. So no, don’t scrap it or I’ll go insane. Arathi and earthen being formally “neutral” doesn’t count, those are still elfohumans and dwarves doing elfohuman and dwarf stuff, i.e. the Alliance.

The overwhelming majority of Elves have been part of the Horde since BC. Human-Elves who worship the Light falls almost exactly down the middle of Alliance/Horde faction characterisation, since it hits both Humans and Blood Elves. The red and gold of their faction’s visual identity is clearly supposed to invoke the red and gold of Blood Elves, and the tall spires are also clearly supposed to be evocative of Blood Elf architecture (obviously, all mixed with human architecture and visual identity).

Can’t stand the idea of humans no longer ruling the world? Bohoooeoh you.

I mean we have seen what the Burning Legion does to planets it invades. It’s less ‘humans no longer rule the world’, more ‘the world is a dead fel-hole with 50-80% of it missing’.

The alliance has 3 elf races. High elves, void elves and night elves. They are the majority. Also have the most land with all of northern Kalimdor in their control.

The High Elves and Void Elves are a tiny proportion of the post-TFT High Elf population and the Night Elves are culturally distinct and did not comprise the original population of Elves that comprised the Arathi.

Your argument is just sophistry, and bad sophistry at that.

night elves are still elves. the blood elves barley got anything to do since TBC was over and lost alot inbetween. At least Vereesa and Alleria get major roles. Can’t say the same for our cast.

Even if that was true it has nothing to do with the point I was making.

I will doubt Midnight will be about blood elves until I see it. Until then I stay sucpicious.

I mean based on your previous posts in this thread it could be about nothing but Blood Elves from start to finish and you’d still find a way to argue that it isn’t.

I have a very clear vision of what the perfect blood elf story SHOULD look like. And helping Alleria or Umbric is not included in this.