Should Blood Elves get the new diversed human skin tones in SL?

it was gunna be a big Explorer v Reliquary thing. i’d hunt pictures down to show you, there’s one with like a dozen blood elf ships moored off the coast. But honestly man is tired and having a beer and going to bed after some total war.

Cultural appropriation is a myth

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Darn, you’re serious? That would’ve been based and awesome.

Sad we got the German man and lol lets kill an innocent Leper gnome expedition-meme…


I saw that quote in the thread and I admit I’ve never heard it before. That said, “dark skinned” can mean dark skinned for a blood elf it doesn’t necessarily mean a black skinned blood elf. Maybe it does, even so it’s a very small part in the overall Warcraft universe where Blood elves are portrayed as fair skinned.

Note that this is not me “not liking dark skin”, I very much loathe racism irl, I wouldn’t mind having darker skin as an option, I think it would look cool tbh. What I don’t like is the obvious irl political reason for it and I don’t think irl politics should effect a fantasy game. That for me weights over that the player should be able to have an elf that “represents them irl”, and for that reason and that we have not seen a dark skinned Blood elf any time in lore or game (other than that one example) I don’t support the idea.

If i wanted to hire human looking blood elven, i’d visite stormwind city to collect farming woman! Stupid question… * goes back to milking cows*

It seems slightly strange to me to support the customisation options based on the aesthetic appeal (and you’re right – it would look rad), but then oppose it based on the assumption that there’s a political motivation.

You might not agree with progressive values being promoted in games (though video games will always contain politics to some degree), but you don’t have to engage with that; instead, you can enjoy more options to design your character.

It hurts no one and helps everyone.


You lie, Englishman

How about nineteen?

I think this is a brilliant idea, at least for blood elves. They’ve clearly moved away from the pink-purple-blue tones of their night elf cousins into more ‘human like’ skin colours, and as i think someone said upthread, a culture which worships and reveres the sun the way the sin’dorei do, doesn’t make much sense for them to be super pasty xD give me some nicer tan options for blood elves, the current options are all a bit too samey. Also, having some sickly yellowing and transparent options to make them look more like the wretched would be real cool


Big disagree here, seeing as anyone who is losing themselves to their addiction canonically gets shunned and then exiled and then inevitably winds up dead after they go crazy and mutilate themselves and others.


Yes, but wouldn’t that be cool for npcing, villians, characters who are loosing the battle to their addictions? not everyone plays good upstanding citizens who are strong of will and mind, i think done well it’s a very good rp concept thats overlooked in blood elf rp , as is most of the magic addiction in my experience

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Why should blood elves, a fantasy race, have the whole range of human skin tones?

Are they fantasy humans? No, they are elves. Let them have their own aesthetic. There are already variants with purple, gray, blue, etc. skin colours.

What this seems to me, is that people treat blood elves like the humans of the horde. They aren’t humans, they are traditional tolkien-like high elves. There are other kind of elves out there for other fantasies (drow or wood elves). So no i wouldn’t like to see their look changed, it isn’t the solution for the real life issues that people of color face. Have the humans represent the whole spectrum of ethnicities, but leave the fantasy races alone.


What about felblood skin options? Then again those would probably only work for Demon Hunters and Warlocks :thinking:

Why shouldn’t they? What does harm does it do?

They already have their own aesthetic. They have their own architecture, culture, symbols. Allowing them to have darker skin tones wouldn’t change that; they would remain inherently ‘elven’.

Why do ‘traditional elves’ have to be white? Tolkien based his elves off northern European folklore; Blood Elves don’t have the same connection.

While I’d love the customisation option, it’s worth remembering that the Felblood Elves were enemies of Silvermoon and fought for the Legion. I can’t imagine any elf with those characteristics having a good time in Quel’Thalas.


True, but we know the Felblood elves came to be because they drank/gorged/absorbed (too?) much fel magic, so it wouldn’t be unrealistic for a warlock or dh to become one.

Though like you said, they’d have a hard and difficult time because of their demonic appearance.

(Also it could also open up the option in the future for Felborne of Suramar :wink: )

Nah – they became Felblood Elves, as the name might suggest, from actually consuming demon blood. It’s not just about wielding fel magic; it’s similar to the corruption of the Orcs in that regard.

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Ah, what a shame. For felblood appearance I would’ve restored the old Veshj and made her one.

Looking up on Sunfury, it appears they are also made up of Felblood elves (alongside normal elves), and that some of them did return to Quel’thalas.

So who knows, I know it’s not likely but still!

As the resident washed up blood elf RPer, I feel that I have a solid take on the matter.

More customization is cool, and afaik there’s a precedent for Asian-like elves (warhammer) so it’s not as if it’s completely unheard of in any setting. Besides, I’m surprised this hasn’t went down the political rollercoaster just yet.

Proud of you AD


You mean the Warcraft movie I guess, because I have 0 recollection of Asian-inspired Elves in WH.