Should Blood Elves get the new diversed human skin tones in SL?

mfw it turns out im not a social justice warrior, i’m a genetics justice warrior


They have overlap. They have quite un-human tones as well, as in they have very pale, inhumanly pale looks not to mention shades of what could only be described as -red- that don’t occur in humans. They also have antennae like eyebrows, pointed ears, glowing green and/or gold eyes and compared to the humans of the Warcraft universe, they look decidedly inhuman in bodily proportions (though ironically most human like compared to our own real world ones).

What I would like to see? More facial hair options for the males, as the Void Elves have.

The implication you’re making here is actually almost as bad as the “waa sjw” pseudo-rant. But please, carry on.

Bruh, i’m along the same lines as big Kait going off what he said earlier. I’ve often butted heads with Loras too, but what you posted has genuinely made me lose yet another brain cell.

It’s like pong in there now.

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Yeah, you’re regularly wrong, but not this wrong.

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Shut up you soofern fairy.

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My last 2 brain cells are engaged in a battle royale atm

Did you not know that most original fantasy races come originally from coding based off the various races and the stereotypes thereof?

That’s some background knowledge you should probably know, going into this discussion

Uh, no. This character has a build of a slim but muscular man - not inhuman in the slightest. I could cosplay it with a dab of facepaint and some £7 ear covers. A troll has an obviously inhuman build and features.


Okay this I will agree with - I think there’s a LOT of things that go into determining how successful someone is in a given society

Don’t necessarily think it’s this though and I think we can go down a DARK path if we follow this logic too far!!

Could it not be a little of column A, a little of Column B?

Like a group who is generally disliked by “Society” (such as a working class man!) might not so readily have the social/economic resources needed to advance that a middle class chap might have, BUT - yeah, someone’s personality and talents might also help them get out of that rut, or fall into a deeper one, than another person from the same cohorts personality and talents.

God I wish there was an ideology where we could recognise both individual AND societal factors, I’d 100% sign up for that party! ;-;

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I dunno have you seen asmongold?


watches as one group sprints easily and quickly clear of another, praise Darwin for this evolutionary step

in this analogy, one guy is doing the 100m sprint and the other is doing 800m hurdles


One of the withered is running away!


Gosh it must be some miracle that in this apparently individualistic meritocracy that nearly all of the positions of power and wealth in the world are occupied by white men who inherited wealth

stunning coincidence


I like when people who have never faced oppression lecture people on why oppression is good and should be kept around. Makes my brain nice and smooth.


Read the post again.

Did you not know most fantasy races have their origin in mythology and folklore, not 19th and 20th century pseudo-intellectualism?

That’s some background knowledge you should probably know, going into this discussion

it’s all in the genes my friend

also lukas you seem very desperate for there not to be any more skintones for blood elves, like in an overly obsessive way, kinda interesting !!!

My genes are levi’s.


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You’re a boot-cut kinda guy and you don’t belong here


I wonder where those were inspired from

I scratch my chin and wonder


yah but did u know it’s also made up stuff based on made up stories?


I wear apple bottom jeans actually and the boots with the fur.