Should Blood Elves get the new diversed human skin tones in SL?

kind of ratchet tbqh

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I know you’re proud of your uggs, but now’s not the time.

/e Kaitylinn would be looking at you


Well I suppose a fantasy has to start somewhere, doesn’t it?

Honestly my inane poop posting is probably a better read than whatever Athramus is on about.


I feel like I just walked into a meeting for only the biggest brained klansmen


And it can end up wherever you want it to. Like with dark skinned elves.


Conservatism and racism go hand in hand.

If you believe that there are no systems of injustice and oppression, and certain groups suffer as a result - well, obviously something inherent to that group is causing them to suffer, not the overarching system.

(it isn’t unique to conservatism but damn if one doesn’t tend to inform the other)


You leave the philosophies of Benjamin Disraeli OUT OF THIS!!!


this is the clement atlee hour joe, you have no power here


I bet Big Billy Gladstone could’ve beaten up Disraeli

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Now this… is Victoria-posting.

you :poop:ing up a thread

Drop some hot Victorian lore for us.

This whole thread is just a debate on if people should be allowed to make their mistakes.

Such as anime elves and high elves.

My desire to play a high elf would be old enough to take its GCSEs if they weren’t cancelled rn

: (

I’d rather my grossly incandescent elves. We have Night Elves and Void Elves already for the other one who are more suited to darker tones.

Like, if both groups have access to health-care, education, good jobs, food, and the capacity to find hobbies, why should people who, according to your example, are better equipped to deal with a certain issue, be asked to step down in regards to what they’re good at, so that someone else who isn’t as good is going to replace them? That is unjust.

You’ve just made a powerful enemy today, Liberal!!

Bold of you to call anime elves a mistake

Because they don’t have the same access to these things. Next?