Should Blood Elves get the new diversed human skin tones in SL?

Mogi don’t it’s not too late to close the thread

Honestly the working class need to evolve into the middle class to go anywhere.

Why don’t we just eat the rich



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I’ve seen some of the rich, my guy.
Wouldn’t even feed them to a dog.

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Honestly the middle class are the worst. They can be eaten first.

Modern scholars think so too.

I don’t even get it when people say “elves don’t have human skin colours; they’re all pale and ghost-white!”, when in-game they are clearly just a range from pale pink to a slight olive. The Wretched are more ghastly, but paleness in no way strikes me as a defining feature of the blood elves. Remember that high elves have been in the Warcraft setting longer than night elves, and them evolving from night elves is even more ‘recent’. They’re clearly designed with “human-esque” skintones, which as of now only represent what is caucasian. I don’t think giving them the option to have darker skin would go against their characteristic pinkness.


Tho obviously we cannot generalise about what the Victorians did and did not believe because also as a student of the 19th Century if u get anything about the Victorians wrong I will absolutely force-emote killing u ic!!!

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Depend how dark we get I guess. We talking a 4 on the fitzpatrick scale or a 6?

I agree with that. The world isn’t in its best state and we should work towards improving things. It’s good that we try to change things for the better, and to remind that we must work towards improving the world. However, perhaps speaking about oppression and patriarchy isn’t a good approach to improve things. Consider that leftists assume that patriarchy/supremacists are the cause of this injustice, and it’s imho a naive take on how things go.

Fact is, unless we’re buying a marxist narrative (where a human’s culture/social/political system is just a superstructure of economy) or a constructivist conception of humanity (nurture 100% > genes 0%), we should agree that there are a hundred of causes that ground humanity’s current condition, and trying to fix them by changing the social tissue from above might not work everytime; although in some cases it might be the correct thing to do.

There are leftist groups that ask to white people to step down if they are hired and leave the place to someone else. Also, selective hiring is a huge thing in many fields, with people being selected not on the basis on their merits, but rather on the basis of their identity group.

I am fairly moderate in my political views, actually.

The elves who live in perpetual spring/summer-land should have mediterranean skin at the very least.

I won’t be accepting questions at this time.


What if their magic elf skin just ignores the sun which is why they like it so much

what then you fool


I agree with this, because then i can have Aerilen be greek and do that thing with the plates.

You mean the thing with the underage boys?


Steady on, i ain’t Lilynore.


My blood elf who is suddenly quite Ottoman in appearance looms over you with an air of menacing intent

That’s your excuse for not loving me?

they breathe through their skin