Should Blood Elves get the new diversed human skin tones in SL?

That’s true, they’re often depicted as almost mythical and unreal in the books. There’s a segment from Jaina’s perspective were she thinks Kael is such a hunk that it’s intimidating and that dirt moves away from him.

So he is a broom ?

More customization is always good, and I would like to see some darker skin tones for blood elves, because why not.

terrible movie btw, 0/10. Spaghetti westerns are much better than that thing

Elves should look inhuman but they do not.

Just want HBO’s Rome back x

Shame how none of the things mentioned that made him appear mythical were his skin tone…

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When you’re so handsome people are naturally disarmed by you but then you stab them with a fire sword and spit on them.

Haha dumbo

Edit; this is an elf lore thread now


I’d be down for Warcraft elves to look a little more inhuman. Elder Scrolls high elves don’t really have any pinkish skin tones; most are yellowish, stark white, olive green. I’m not against an interpretation of blood elves that don’t have human characteristics, but the ones we have in this setting just frankly do. Edit the ears and eyebrows out of any blood elf art piece, and bam, it’s just a pretty human.

pretty is a strong word

: (

It’s a white reparations thread, Aerilen. Don’t conveniently change the subject.

God I wish that were me ;-;

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True, i want reperations from scandanavia for the havok they caused along my coastlines. Pay up v*king.

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I second this. The Nord will pay for his CRIMES!

I’m a reindeer herder, fash.


and I want reparations for my ancestors who were enslaved during the Great Northern War but you don’t see me kicking down Aeilmar’s door


I’m talking about any social group, white people included. In the example, I meant white-looking people, but the principle could be generalized.

As an answer, it is more correct than you believe. We’re not even talking about genes anymore, but just the way you appear on the outside (a guy who has mixed genes can look like a white guy and therefore be treated, according to leftist narrative, as a white guy - therefore phenotype matters here, not genes).

In this case, hiring someone because of his phenotype is an arbitrarily selected criteria which is applied from above. Instead, in the example I mentioned, you’re not selecting people because of their genes, but you’re selecting them because they perform better, or because they have talent for the job: and that is the purpose of a job.


Not at all? Nurture, education and instruction play an huge role. What matters are the skills of an individual when he submits for the job, not his appearances or identity.

Just for reference of what a “pink-skinned” elf looks like compared to one that is genuinely “golden skinned”.

thats a lot of words to say nothing of value

He wont have the money anyway, he’s too busy with krokodil

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