Should Blood Elves get the new diversed human skin tones in SL?

Which happened well before the dynamic shift that followed in the napoleonic wars, William Wilberforce hadn’t yet gave slavers the people’s elbow in parliment.

Is it possible to learn this shaolin shadowboxing?


Where is ‘they’ here? “Them” refers to things as in social conditions, I’m not speaking about any other group?


Such as? There was literally one point he made, that he didn’t know if what I was writing implied more or less than what surfaced. I could have replied with a “no”, but I have decided to be more empathic about it, and explain why I think it matters.

It’s obvious politically correct would show up in a discussion about politically correct.

Oh Don’t mind me when I take cheapshots at the Brits, it’s “biologically” driven.


If I were taking him seriously I’d press him on exactly what he means by black people, who were literally owned as property for centuries and suffered through a white supremecist society for decades afterward, not being ‘into management’

One shouldn’t, however, overly criticise the clown but rather enjoy the performance.

Shaka Zulu is unironically one of my favourite under-rated historical villains. Like you think German is the language of war, oh ho ho my sweet summer child, Shaka Zulu is war made manifest


he got destroyed by julius caesar in the rap battle of 94AD tho


historical appreciation gets a like, but hadrian did much worse back on his day

If we’re talking additional customisation options for blood elves I’d much prefer to see things along the lines of new hairstyles, magical tattoos, scars and a broader selection of beard/stubble options.

I just wanna be able to have a properly shaved head.

Why the hell you want a shaved head sputnik looking azz

if you want a side-shave, the alliance is waiting for you



Both these things are true.

Like as a British chap myself, I’m not proud that the “West India” lobby (the pro-slavery faction in government) was able to gain such a sway over Parliament for as long as it did, but I am proud that they got a good firm boot out the door later on.

The Virgin Georgian Era West India lobby vs the Chad Victorian Era Abolitionist Movement tbh


Anyway, elves.

Give us more customization options, I say. It doesn’t hurt the setting, and imo improves it.

I’m not a fan of customization options. What we really need is more customisation options.


this is british erasure

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Okay but one last post before elves again because my MOST favourite under-rated historical villain that nobody asked for has got to be

Like my god this guy simply could not be contained.

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I still think we should add these half fire-elemental elves and I’m not saying that just because I had the mageocracy empire do a similar thing in my homebrew setting…

i’m surprised you managed to talk about pink-skinned elves without making a single wojak joke