Should Blood Elves get the new diversed human skin tones in SL?

A true elf is clean-shaven and smooth. :pray: :elf:
Three in the Horde. And they’re actually employed, rather than begging for scraps.

Forsaken being limited to only humans a) makes sense because they’re the majority and b) is also disappointing because the idea of the Forsaken being a refuge for undead (or similar ‘castoffs’, like leper gnomes) of all races is appealing to me. Like, there were orcs around in lordaeron during the plague, and elves, and gnomes, and dwarves, so presumably some ended up in the Forsaken too, right?



There’s countless of them in Khaz Modan… we just need to make sure they don’t see non-Leper gnomes as Troggs and we’re set.

Agreed, but then again then the Forsaken would be able to form their own faction (which they should’ve been anyway), because they’d have every race amongst their numbers. Also, Leper gnomes aren’t the castouts, they’re the ones that cast the normal gnomes out and see them as Troggs :thinking:

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Something most people would be in favour of honestly regardless of what they play.


One of the o.g four horsemen was a dwarf iirc

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I don’t see anything wrong with them having a wider range of skin colours, hell they probably will get those considering Dwarves are getting actual black skin and stuff too. But they shouldn’t get the facial structures of an Asian or Black Human, it’d look a bit strange. They are Elves afterall, not Humans.


Hmmm, I feel nothing towards this option. TBH until today, having read this thread, I realize it never really clicked for me how most of the dark skin shades in WoW (regardless of race) aren’t actually that dark.

And I still don’t know what to do with this information, since I already thought we had dark-skinned elves. So now the problem, in my eyes, becomes “Do you want darker elves?” Sure man why not.

This is the least of my concerns when it comes to what WoW RP & my RP needs.

Yeah Thane Korth’azz

Since the rpg books are not cannon anymore we have no hard population number for any race. So pppppppppppppppppppppppffffffffffffffffffffff who knows ? \o/


In my mind, I always thought Elves were supposed to represent Asia-blend, until MoP came. From the way they dress, to the elaborate or straight up anime male hairstyles.

Not to mention, once I saw Asian Lor’themar in the Warcraft movie I was weirdly ok with that.

Honestly, having a dark-skinned blood elf would be nice. I believe we more customization options, because as of now the WoW character customization is awful, and really needs to be redone (where is my thin draenei option!)

I can already see a Wrathion look-alike elf warlock (ik he’s a human, but his model is similar to a BE).

It’s called a female draenei. Draenei are reversed spiders, the males are a x1000 larger than the females, some say they even eat their mates.

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The male on steroids is a huge throw-off for me. They should have sticked to the protoss theme and make less bulky bodies.

Look at Velen. Part of his fashion is the fact he’s physically frail. He has no need to compensate magic with strenght.

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W… what???

This goes for most races tho.

What’s up with human wizards and their 8-pack? Do they want men to have body imagine problems?

I demand slim males and bulky females! Maybe even a slider!

(Velen ingame is as ripped as every generic male draenei)

Am I wrong?

ffffffffff… yuck!

Maybe you’re not! I would approve.

Ngl I thought the Asian-looking High Elf in the Warcraft movie was super weird and didn’t look right.

It might have been because of a bad costume and dodgy visual affects but it just looked so out of place, strange and artificial.

Goggles: on

Wacraft: loaded

Character: selected

Thicc slider: MAXED


Honestly better then IC males using the female model because “they don’t want a he-man model to represent their lean males”.

I’ll take the risk of that happening.

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Wait, that was supposed to be Lor’themar? Didn’t he lost his eye to the Scourge? … Isn’t that movie happening a good decade or two before the Scourge???!
I am distressed by that information.

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