Should Blood Elves get the new diversed human skin tones in SL?

Glad you got a chuckle out of it then :man_shrugging:

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Funny how this turned out to be true but only in regards to you

How come? Because they’re inspired, and borrow from, a real life culture that’s considered a minority or marginalised?

What do you think of vrykul and dwarves then? They borrow from real life cultures too, after all.

Why must one be black to be allowed to voice African-accented Zandalari? Are the Morrocans, Egyptians or white South-Africans not Africans? Are they not African accented? What is African accented precisely?

I think it is opposing established lore to have dark skinned elves, yes there are reasons given as to why (sunworshipping? More melanin? Descendant from dark-purple elves) but they’ve all always been described as fair-skinned, just like night elves as the whole have been described as mostly purple.

Dwarves and gnomes have never been described as all white-skinned, so for them it could easily be done (especially since the Dark Irons are actually black, and the Wildhammers have been described as having a darker skintone then the Ironforge dwarves).

That said, personally I wouldn’t mind black/brown/dark-skinned blood elves, just hate the way you’re argueing about it


Every single race in WoW is designed much like the hit show Bojack Horseman - " normal words, but a [short/tusk/dead/cow/panda] guy"

If you believe that blood elves should have the same customisation options as humans then the same should absolutely apply to every other race - unless your argument is that troll players (for example) don’t deserve representation / the chance to play a troll that represents them like blood elf players do in which case I’d like to ask why you think that - all WoW players are human and should have access to the same level of representation no matter what fantasy race they think is cool to RP / play IMO


The Zandalari trolls are presented, in BFA at least, as having a broadly continental African accent that’s most similar to Nigerian (Princess Talanji’s VA is of Nigerian/British descent). The argument about “who is African” isn’t really relevant to the topic at hand, but you’ll notice a stark contrast in the voice acting of white American trolls pre-BFA (the priest holy artifact chain comes to mind) attempting Caribbean accents, and actors of actual caribbean/African descent (Vol’jin, Rokhan, Zandalari trolls).

I wouldn’t call Swedes a marginalised group still suffering today from the consequences of colonialism, as opposed to aboriginal people who still live with having their cultures appropriated. It’s like that dumb “straightening your hair is white appropriation” argument.


Oh my days time to pack it up :womans_hat: :briefcase:

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The topic’s strayed way from the original intent; we’re all on the same boat of agreeing that blood elves should get the diverse options, so, best to leave it there.


I think if you want to rant and rave about your specific taste in politics maybe do it away from role play forums very boring to read and zero input re. role play


I mean, I’m not? I’m not gonna make a big deal if it does happen but I don’t think it should.


Dark skinned high elves are canon as per Day of the Dragon Twilight of the Aspects.

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The topic was brought up by another poster; addressing it isn’t really a fault

That’s an old book and we’ve seen none of them since, so it’s overruled surely. No official art, nothing in game.

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Overruled by what?

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The lack of anything showing them as such in game or in art or in any other portrayal. I mean, they’re more rare than half-elves at this point.

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Isn’t it crazy how Elenthas is able to discuss this issue without bringing up any real life / political issues wonder how he is able to do that

Thing is though that a lot of things from the novels don’t get in-game representation, but that doesn’t decanonise Devi. Blizzard’s ruling regarding retconning and older material is that they’re valid for as long as no newer source directly contradicts them. I don’t recall any source since 2011 overruling this.

WIth them going out of their way to make two races ethnically diverse with Shadowlands, what’s stopping them from doing a third that already has precedence for more than one ethnicity?


Not the case however unless I missed that they said asian-looking humans now originate from a different place than f. ex. european-looking ones it’s just a cosmetic addition

I mean, going from fair skinned to a darker skintone is far less drastic than having a blue skintone and then suddenly just having a human one like the ones mentioned before.

I mean, there is absolutely nothing there to overrule it in terms of having a concrete statement against them. It all depends on how Blizzard is going to adress it.

I mean the topic itself has been political for a pretty long time, mostly because ever since Blizzcon 2019 some backwooders decided to call the more diverse human options “Pandering” or “Forced diversity”, but yeah. A lot of people here have been able to hold conversations about the topic without much political ideology or stance spilling out.

Going to end this one with saying that, I very heavily doubt Blizzard is suddenly going to racebend a well-known Sin’dorei/Human character, since the backlash from that would be significant, but adding more natural skintones to a near-human race itself should not be a problem imo.


There are no human ethnostates despite what some brand of Uldum RPers might claim, no. Humans having access to different ethnicities doesn’t equate to new nationalities.


Pick your pigmentation, fellas: white or political.