Should Blood Elves get the new diversed human skin tones in SL?

Nothing’s ‘stopping’ them, but I’ve already explained my issues with this 100 posts ago. Also, Devi was from an alternate timeline, so like, maybe they had dark skin elves there but not in the main universe. Who knows.

And frankly if Blizz wanna show up some representation then maybe having any ethnic minority main characters would be a start.

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In what way will they have their own ethnicity, they will originate from all already established kingdoms / zones thus sharing the absolute same culture and language

After being ‘accused’ of RPing an Uldum human solely because of my character’s skin tone more times than to be a coincidence, I will definitely defend diversity within media that I engage in; I.E the warcraft setting.

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Would you rather they add a separate race of elves with dark skin or add them to the existing races?

The latter. It’s low effort and has very little impact on the lore.


Simply put : no

obv having a few darker shades isnt gonna own the race but they arent humans, and shouldnt share human ethnic characteristics


So is adding the same options for trolls. In fact from a lore perspective - given that trolls, night elves and blood elves are all related if blood elves are given the same customisation options as humans so too should trolls. Being a more played / prettier race doesn’t mean blood elves have a greater right to representation

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If you truly, truly care about the diversity presented in trolls, Perroy, then I wish you luck in your campaign.

You’ll be very happy with the dark trolls/sand trolls skins coming in Shadowlands.

Back to ditching every argument already wish you would take your time to respond to this in a meaningful way because I’m absolutely interested in reading your take on it

Jesus Christ this discussion is making brain smooth, it’s a video game christ.


The man will not rest until every Troll has been granted what they rightfully deserve!

Jokes aside. At the end of the day it’s in Blizzard’s hands what we get. I would not at all mind getting darker skin options for Gnomes, Dwarves, Humans and even Sin’dorei.

Hell. You wake up in the morning on Shadowlands launch day, you go out of your room and open the front door and there you see standing a troll with a human complexion and a pink orc.

Now wouldn’t that be something?



Sure, why not. More customisation hurts me in 0 ways and gives us as roleplayers more tools so I’m perfectly happy with it. It is just weird that it is some important social issue if it’s blood elves but played off as a joke if it’s another of WoW’s races

Not the kind of customisation we are talking about here as far as I understand your posts

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Are we talking baby pink or hot pink?

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Why not both!?

I’ve already explained my stance on why it impacts the pink-pigmented/human-based races differently to the beast/monster races; you can scroll up if you didn’t see.

All playable races are humanoid races actually

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Every single race on WoW is coded after humans. What exactly is the difference between “big ears and green magic eyes” and “big tusks and green magic skin”?

This is a non-argument. If you argue for customisation you should be for customisation across the board

The skin colour. That’s exactly what this thread is about. Blizzard seems to agree, looking at the dwarf skin tone options matching the new human ones.

There are types of orc that have more “realistic” skin colours than dwarves, if that is your one single argument

I like the racial quirks of races- Provided they don’t over-saturate the race.

Kind of what happened with goblins in Cataclysm, but they have somewhat rebounded since, at least in novels and stories. Not so much in game.