Should LFR be added to Classic?

If you’re not 100% a troll (you probably are), the Classic scene has been fighting for #NoChanges for a long time. Now okay, Blizz has made a few very minor changes here and there, but most of us NoChangeserers are okay with these, sure some of the more die-hard NoChangeserers aren’t okay with it, but it’s generally the minority.

LFR is classed as one of the bigger changes that Blizzard made to WoW that us NoChangeserers (as a whole, from casual NoChangeserers to very Hardcore NoChangeserers) really, really don’t like.

Thus, LFR will never, ever, be implemented into Classic.

Edit: If you’re not a troll, then do some of your own research before you post things like this and you’d see that you’ll never, ever, get LFR in Classic.

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