Should sylvanas become a high elf again?

i think they should end her story arc in Dragonflight, by resurrecting her.
its very likely the dragons can do that.

one thing that i am certain of, we are not done with sylvanas.

They’ve already gave her blue eyes are restored her old personality.
So what’s the point?


im talking full ressurection. there is no point in making her undead anymore. she isnt fighting the scourge or leading the forsaken. she isnt even part of the horde anymore.

because i like the character, i would personally like to see the 3 windrunner sisters run the new high elf race. with a high elf hero class.

It seems highly unlikely, but even if it happened, as a living High Elf, Sylvanas would probably stay neutral. Blizzard wouldn’t do a complete change of heart making her join the High Elves in the Alliance as that would be too much “disrespectful” to her past long story and role in the society of the Forsaken / Blood Elves (and Horde in general). Also I don’t think even as a living High Elf she would really be fully forgiven and welcomed by the other Alliance leaders, especially Tyrande of course… :stuck_out_tongue:

Besides, all 3 Windrunner sisters in the Alliance seem redundant…as you can see the role of Vereesa is already diminished in the story anyway since the return of Alleria. And Vereesa is already the leader of the Silver Covenant so I don’t think the High Elves would need yet another leader, considering in the lore they are not an unified nation like the Blood Elves of Silvermoon anyway and actually the main race playable in the Alliance are the Void Elves of Alleria, the High Elves are more about just being a cosmetic choice avalaible for the player, like the new Dark Rangers too.

clearly she will join the alliance with blightcaller and all their crimes will be forgiving and the 3 sisters will live happily ever after :wink:

and then she becomes Sylvanas Marris :face_with_monocle: joking aside what is Turalyon’s last name and why does Alleria not have it :stuck_out_tongue:

Let her join the Alliance. I think that’s the best thing to do.

would not be to supriced if she becomes Anduin Advisor at some point, becuse he realy feels sympathy for her, what is not to supricing at all, considering both kind of whent through the same mind control to some extent.

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I am not 100% sure how elven family names work.

Considering Lireesa Windrunner was apparently a member of the Windrunner family by birth, not marriage. Which is how she acquired the Windrunner bow Thas’Dorah.

Which means… either the elves get their family names from their mothers, or the parents are married cousins :astonished:

Sweet Home Alabama

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As with real nobility usually the one from the more influential/important family is the one that keeps the last name and the Windrunners are still one of the founding houses of Quel’thalas so he would most likely take her name, whenever they advance past :duck: buddies into actual marriage.

Regarding the OP: No, at this point resurrection is effectively pointless semantics, which would have no real impact on much of anything. Given her history she is exceedingly unlikely to go anywhere near the Aliance outside of visitting Vereesa and her nephews, without some external cause to do otherwise. Not to mention that basically all of the blood elf leadership outside Rommath are either a part of her Farstrider clique or cousin Lidarin…

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She’s been put into the same limbo Illidan was at the end of Legion. I don’t see them using her again for awhile.

No. Not ever. She is Horde.

the high elves (blood elves) are horde.

I don’t think she will be touched until Illidan comes back.

Sylvanas and Illidan are both extremely popular characters and are heavily tied to Tyrande (who also needs a break from the story as well), so when the latter has been put away as well for a few expansions and then comes back, I reckon that will be the time when Sylvanas and Illidan will come back.

Illidan will still be Illidan as we always knew him.
Sylvanas will be her more “Ranger General” self, but Horde aligned as she tells Horde players to continue fighting for the good of the Horde.

She is an UNDEAD elf.

I strongly suspect that her return is gonna be either before or tied into the payoff for Alleria succumbing/resolving the void naaru issue. That or an existential to Quel’thalas and/or the Forsaken.

who knows how far the power of the enternals go.

She will not become alive again. That is unrealistic.

She won’t be alive again - but her outlook is now her former “Ranger General” self, but that doesn’t mean she will go to the Alliance.

Even this Nightborne Priest, who wasn’t loyal to her in BFA, still tells me to fight for the good of the Horde.
Sylvanas - if nothing else, will return to the Horde because the Ranger General we knew still cared deeply for Quel’Thalas. Perhaps serve as the go-between for the Farstriders and the Dark Rangers.

She also has unfinished business with Delaryn Summermoon, who served as her living counterpart during the War of Thorns. (Delaryn was partly the reason why I didn’t want Sylvanas to be axed from the story quite so suddenly. I did want her to speak to Delaryn as the two are extremely similar.)

EDIT: This is the Sylvanas that I fell in love with. I can’t wait for her to return to the story, but I can’t be hypocritical. We do need a break from her, Tyrande and Anduin. But when she does return, I look forward to her returning to Quel’Thalas and working with the Dark Rangers, both Quel/Sin’dorei and Kaldorei.


technically speaking shes already a dead High Elf because she was killed before that loser keal’thas renamed the race :stuck_out_tongue:

Kael’thas is the best character ever and your opinion is wrong.