Should sylvanas become a high elf again?

Tol’vir have a city for themselves. Vulpera and Mag’har do not. So do the Amani. So do the Gordunni. If you got a hub for yourself you automatically gain resources of trading, war and population. Which is why the alliance is mostly superior when it comes to war. They have lots of lands and big cities from whence they call their armies from. The Horde doesn’t have anything similar. Thunderbluff and Orgrimmar aren’t really cities. One is a collection of tents standing on a mesa. The other is a huge barracks. The only real city we used to have was Undercity. And it was sieged and the Forsaken were forced to leave. If the Horde wants to hold any waters then we need allies who can actually contribute to our cause and don’t stretch our abilities further.

What you see in game isn’t necessarily representative of the lore standpoint, with farms being the most obvious example.

Tol’vir are next to extinct and bound to guard the forge of origination.
Gordunni are ruindwelling slavers, who only survive because nobody can be bothered to put an end to them
Amani have literally nothing going for them.
Undercity was reclaimed.

As for the whole Aliance thing it’s plain old plot armor.

Undercity was not reclaimed. Also the Forsaken were kicked out of Silverpine and Hillsbrad after alliance forces moved in. The Horde lost a lots of lands because Blizzard wanted to give the blue team a fistbump moment they don’t deserve. Tol’vir are strong. So are the Gordunni and Crushridge Ogres. The Horde deserves to have actual good allies who add numbers and a hub to us. That is what I want. And I will fight to get it.

Blizz is unlikely to create any more hubs, unless it’s the main one for the current expansion continent thingy.

As for the state of Silverpine/Hillsbrad. There is conflicting information. They’ve got some old-new holdings, but no real way to deal with the blight that’s in most of them. Meanwhile the Forsaken cleaned up Tirisfall/Undercity, in that storyline, which tried to justify Calia not being a completely rejected insane wreck, whose entire existence is constant unspeakable burning agony.

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