Should the forums have private messages?

i swear this guy isn’t me.

Only once. And the sender has never been heard of again.


what you do to him/her o.O

Those are new titles. By purchasing them YOU ARE NOT pretending to be veteran. And there’s nothing illegal by having them.

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year as well :partying_face:

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It is bizarre when someone contacts you (in the general sense) because of some discussions on the forums. Just keep it on the forums.


thats the downside of being green. if you were like us you prob wont get anything.

Oh i have have seen the abusive messages non greens get.


oh, i must be the lucky one o.o

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It was someone who decided it would be a larf to troll the brigante thread and I losr my temper and let rip. I was halfway through writing a VERY long post when my discord went mental with pings from everyone telling me to stop. I duly did but the person then decided to follow me to the whats your irl profession thread and sent me an ingame mail teliing me more or less he hoped my mum died.

A swift report to the CS and never heard from him again, not even on here.

If he is here, he will never use the toon name he used. I wasnt the only one who wnated to tear him limb from limb in Brigante’s thread.


good lord o.O you are a chill person, at least to me. man idk how you guys get the bad ones in your DMs

Meh… It happens. What can you do. I usually just ignore it.

I don’t suffer fools gladly, if I see someone being an idiot I’ll tell them and if they’re talking complete twaddle I’ll tell them. sadly it often results in me getting flagged and banned for breaking the forum’s rules which if it’s “yeah OK thats fair enough” but ive had one or two where I’m like… “really?”.

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so this pretty sums up on why we shouldn´t have forum DM´s, some people are very into the forum community like its twitter

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Yes exactly. As Punyelf correctly said the mods have enough to do with the very meagre tools and resources they are given by their managers.


i 100% agree, from what you guys are saying.

I only had one bad experience where Blizzard had to intervene after the person circumvemted my block. They gave him a timeout from the game and he never bothered me again.

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I will be honest too you though faefu… Its not like this is happening on the regular… Too me it has happen about 4 times.

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4 times is more than no times for me.

Indeed and not all interactions are negative. Had some great fun running into people in game.

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Ive always had a great time in any ingame interaction with forumers, if it was with FF or Chronomirmi (I hope I got that right) and their timewalking raids.

Hell it was even a good laugh when Retributor joined a FF raid (even if he did bail after Maut) and Slapface joined a forum timewalking raid.