That happens? Why would anyone?
would you say that these two are not the same as in game?
I am not going to share the messages exactly… And I feel already really bad for derailing the thread allot right now T_T oof… I take full responsibility for the thread derailing
tbh we pretty much said no, bad idea. everything else is just a “hello me me me”
We’re willingly participating.
Your derailing proves my point so I’ll allow it.
I like being correct.
I am so sorry slapface x_x This shouldn’t have gotten so far
Its not really derailing as it’s deomstrating the possible problems with personal dm’s int he forum.
However if you want the thread derailed…
Me playing Street Fighter 2. Feel free to DM me on muh silky smooth Ryu gameplay.
As for the main topic… Personally I’m into the idea but there should be a very obvious option to disable receiving messages. I don’t mind and in fact would have probably used the feature myself if it was here. That way we can have the best of both worlds. You want them, they’re there. You don’t, they can be disabled.
Nope. retributor came in and left after one boss and Slapface joined an Ulduar about halfway through and was chill as ice. he even posted a screenshot in the Forum timewalking discord of us all standing together after killing Yogg Saron.
not a good idea … if you ask me personally
too many people will want a personalized workout program to become just like me…
i cant help everyone … not everyone has what it takes

I have the feeling most forumers. with rare exceptions are just negative grumpies.
I am the rare exception!

You don’t make friends online.
Im gonna hard disagree with you there. I have made multiple really good friends online(in WoW), met several of them irl, and even met my partner online(in WoW), so what you are saying is simply false.
People can choose to not make friends online, sure, but saying no one makes friends online is simply not true.
Something something tweezers

met my partner online
Me too! Not on WoW but on an older game called PHantasy Star Online on the Nintendo Gamecube.
We celebrated our 20th anniversary this year, albeit I’m in Scotland and she’s in the States.
I also met my wife on other forums, by being rude and antagonizing to everyone.
She strongly disliked me for several months before we had a proper conversation and she could finally discover what a wonderful person I actually am. Lucky her.

She strongly disliked me for several months before we had a proper conversation and she could finally discover what a wonderful person I actually am. Lucky her.
Make her read this. Dont forget to prepare the couch first

I also met my wife on other forums
a wife… what are my doing with my life
No chance - there’s enough trolls on these forums without them being able to PM other users. Big NO from me
I wasnt a negative grumpy, just saying what i would rather do instead of the mage tower! Not my fault people cant handle some tweezers and bodyhairs…