Nah, he is still doing it xD
It’s possibly the most French statement I’ve ever read.

If he’s stopped saying “aboot” I’m disappointed.
It positively filled me with rage.
(I’m sure he’s lovely tho, and I hope you two are very happy Kretias )

A keyboard only reaches “Disgusting” rank when it has congealed yoghurt between the keys. I’m nowhere near that stage.
Now if we’re talking dog hair and toasted coconut shreds from Macaroon bars then yeah. My keyboard has achieved “disgusting” rank.
But isn’t my mousepad just awesome!
I shivered when reading this…
Dog hair infested keyboard gang.
It just won’t come out
My method of keyboard cleaning? Use a folded piece of paper ran between the keys so everything is pushed up against the edge, and gently push it up. Then pull out what you can and shake thge rest out, then at the end give it a blow to get all the coconut shreds out.
Voila. One sparkly clean keyboard.
God I’m such a disgusting slob.

The answer is obviously yes.
Cuz Im gonna be in the ignore list of so many ppl.
Better not make the messages to be private.
Stares into depths of keyboard
I wish I hadn’t done that.
I could show you a real nasty pic of all the gunk I just cleaned out my keyboard using my method!
No thanks I’m good

I could show you a real nasty pic of all the gunk I just cleaned out my keyboard using my method!
pretty sure that’s a bannable offense

No thanks I’m good
But it’s so hairy and crunchy at the same time!!
Yeah perhaps not.
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