Should the forums have private messages?

Why would I prepare the couch? She knows me.
If anything, she enjoys stalking me to have a good laugh at all the nonsense I come up with all the time. Although I’m pretty tame on the WoW forums, for obvious reasons.

Married at 23. Car accident at 26. No time to waste.

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I mean as long as one can opt out i dont see an issue with it. Or better yet, make it opt in instead.

lol just saw your post

A keyboard only reaches “Disgusting” rank when it has congealed yoghurt between the keys. I’m nowhere near that stage.

Now if we’re talking dog hair and toasted coconut shreds from Macaroon bars then yeah. My keyboard has achieved “disgusting” rank.

But isn’t my mousepad just awesome!

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This thread has been an entertaining read. Especially the offtopic stuff.

On topic, I could see why they didn’t go with dm’s. As a whole we can’t be trusted to behave I’d say :smile: I have had a few times where I would have liked to send someone a personal message and tracking them down in game felt a bit stalker-y so I didn’t.

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The one undead gentleman pointed the most obvious and sensical already imo that it is a forum and hence public platform meant for public conversation :smile:

Oh absolutely. I love meandering topics. They usually find their way home again. With some detours. Maybe. And if not… well.


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What comes to exhanging btag or something what I saw mentioned in thread they could simply add btag posting already. Or they could also make it function on forum if you would wish to add someone. Person talking with someone in arena forum or so and “hey would you like to join our team, we play this comp x” and then drop them friend request through this forum.

I find the hassle to do such outside forum outdated and cant bother, I met all I play with through lfg even if liked some in pvp forums I just cant bother do too much hassle for this. Forum should be on btag names or friend request should be found through forum through some mutual interest, server/guild/content etc thread :dracthyr_shrug:

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I think that’d be a good decision all in all yeah, for multiple reasons. I have no experience with the other Blizzard games but apparently they have it on those forums…?

I do hope they’ll give another free btag name change if they ever do it, plenty of people who have said they’re not really comfy with sharing their btag with the world as it contains rather private info only intended for guildies and friends.


Yeah blizzard other forums seem to be usable with just btags. I was surprised honestly that this wasnt, and when I see how easy it is for some to use this forum through multitude of characters to whatever purpose its kinda obvious why it should be just btags or just one name for posting :slight_smile:

I mean i met my current boyfriend on the forums (you should know who. I mentioned him on my old discord account) so theres that.

I find it strange I see said on the thread that people cant make friends online. But Im glad witness dozen people tell find their loved ones and make multitude of friends through games however, to me this is kinda obvious as I dont see why there would be any difference on the interaction when spoken with someone no matter where its done.

Theres literally no difference where the interaction between some people is had, if its smoke signals on sky or lunch at work or some game or whatever platform. Future is going more towards internet and people are spending more and more time online so those who think there is some difference they are just going to have to adapt or be left behind.

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A lot of people would abuse it so i’d say make it an opt in. Ingame for example i received several death threats (that i shared on the old forum) as a result of forum posts.

I even had threads dedicated to me in the past xD

I dont think the forum needs any private messaging as its a forum, but I think they should make btag posting or add some function to add ppl as if you want play with someone or join some m+ or arena team or whatever. Idk why this forum is made so separated from the game or without basic functions found from the game.

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I mean people in some random m+ threads wanted me in their team and I dont think thats a smart decision giving im a raid main xD

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It could be in forum settings like anything else is found, just one check if wish to accept requests or not :white_check_mark:

In past I saw a a lot people looking for teams in arena forum when pvp were still active in coordinated modes and it was always so awkward how they have to exhange the details.

I mean I would accept. You ask and i accept 99% of the time unless I despise you. I just assume its a bad decision kekw.

Or we are trolling with like a 2 sub rogues 1 fury warrior setup in dawn 11 while having a masochistic tank and still time xD

That’s a good point, it has crossed my mind a number of times what a weird bunch we are, howling into the void with seemingly little love or obvious attention from our Blue Overlords :wink:

It’d be great if they perhaps could think up a way to connect the forums more to the game, make it feel more like an active hub that is a part of the game instead of this closet on the fourth floor in a dimly lit hallway, far away from the living lol.

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I loved the description, it is kinda outdated concept how it is currently isnt it :smiley:

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If he’s stopped saying “aboot” I’m disappointed.

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