Should the forums have private messages?

tbh i would love to see how many DM´s you get each day

I know that i can to report them, but i am not going to do that unless it’s something super criminal.
I don’t mind people cursing on me.
But mods do mind(rightfully) when people are cursing on the forums.

Obviously rules are not the same for private and public, and how can it be.

That is your prerogative, just like a conversation anywhere in wow, it’s up to you whether or not you feel you need to report it. Some never report, others report everything and there are people in between.

exactly. can easily lead to harassment and abuse

i really honestly do not care the forums are rubbish compared to what they used to be, you can not have a decent thread without somebody like a vulp disrupt it, It is past annoying to be fair.
You got massive annoying people who use use condescending tones and terms like “salty” which is like a petulant child from 2000 and wreck the thread talking about how nice somebody is , when all they have done is offtopic and insulted.

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The funny thing is, that this forum does have private message capability:

they just disabled the right of sending :dracthyr_hehe_animated:

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you doing it again lol

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Its like everything would be okey if i posted the same things from a human or something? xD

then stop replying to me and to be fair just going to ignore you too.

On discord I have my settings so that nobody can message me unless they are a friend. This avoids me getting spam, at one point crypto spam messages were frequent. There are all sorts of scams particularly on large servers.

I’d dread the amount of RTM/Scam DMs you’d get on a forum like this…

Hello everyone. Its me Skullfox… I changed my avatar to a human so people like certain blood elves would feel better with my posts.

But we already have forum members being abused in game via in game mail or throw away characters. I really don’t think it needs another dimension. But that’s just me. Discourse certainly has the ability to allow messaging however admins can access those messages.


…to communicate — Publicly.

No, it wouldn’t, it’s antithetical to the primary purpose of the forum.


yeah with you on that one, we really don’t need another channel for them to spread their services…

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does everyone feel better now that i am no longer a vulpera?

Its weird isn’t it xD now your scared!

Instant chat kill

you not getting the attention thats for sure o.O

Hey this is good point, forum is about public communication. Its a platform for public discussion.


Thats for sure. Its kind of ironic too be honest. People be telling me all the time ‘‘Your not a vulpera in real life are you?’’ But the moment I change into a different suit. Everybody feels weird.

are you a furry in real life tho?