Shoulders "enable/disable display"

Shoulders “enable/disable display” 1.14.3 Era.
I would like to have this possibility, because some of the shoulder pads are very large. During animations, they intersect with each other and it looks uncomfortable.
This does not spoil the atmosphere and adds interest to additional players. Given that all sets have huge shoulder pads.
What do you think?


You can wish it for WotLK, they do #SomeChanges there.

Not all changes ruin the game.
Improvements 1.14.3 improved the game 1.12.1

No, but if you start make one change, other people wants another change and then the ball starts rolling.

Really No changes? this is a really unintelligent way to view the game after all the crap that goes on from 2019 - Now, still people are finding new ways of being scummy and exploiting the game instead of playing as it was intended. This game needs plenty of changes.

Of all the changes though cosmetics ones are not important at all and are on the bottom of my list.

What is the most important thing for you? A few examples.

Ok a few of mine, the main issue being the first one.

  • Remove the honor gained from the mini pvp games, Eastern Plaguelands towers and Silithus Silithyst. Both of these get exploited by pay2win players with multiple accounts in order to gain an unfair honor advantage over legitimate rankers. Blizzard opened the floodgates for this type of exploitation by allowing PVE to be mixed with PVP, the old devs were wrong to add it and we’re now witnessing the long term effects of them adding it to the game.

  • Rework the honor system. The whole poolboosting thing is stupid and a waste of peoples time, it’s working around a flawed system just so people can actually rank up, Why can’t we have a set amount of brackets each week? the whole decay and gameplay required to rank is unethical and it should be reworked.

  • Fix certain exploitative gold instance grinds that damage the economy in a massive way.

  • Add more spell damage coefficient items to game/ or allow certain items that exist to scale. Thereby creating more possible itemization builds in the game.

  • Add token.

These #nochanges people are insane, they’re wrong and they’re definitely in the minority now. You can’t have a static MMO it doesn’t work.

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What do you think, maybe they will develop a season of skill 2?

Maybe, the thing with SOM they didn’t go far enough with adding changes.

I ignored the mastery season because there were changes that were very minor and I hardly noticed them.

but how WIll i kNoW mY oPpOnenT’S SHOuLDeRpadS gEar?

Any QoL will be met negatively. Classic players love to suffer and find workarounds themselves.

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