When I list my m+ key for randoms to join on Group Finder I would like to see the percentage of m+ dungeons they have deserted in the past month or so. This way I can see who is going to just leave when things get rough and who is going to stay.
I care more about this number than I care about item level, which is already shown.
Maybe only count the first deserter of the group, so if there are 4 people left, the key is safe to leave.
Would getting kicked count as deserting percentage?
If yes: people can act like nasty people and kick others because they want them to have a bad percentage. Or kick someone so your friends can leave without getting count by this system
If not: " WOW YOU GUYS SUCK, IM GOING AFK. KICK ME BECAUSE I WONT LEAVE ON MY OWN" just like the good old lfd when kicking didnt get you the deserter debuff
The current system is so easy to abuse. You have a +10 key, and some random idiot queues in and leaves immediately, breaking your key in the process while calling you a retard. If you can see who does this en masse you can avoid these toxic people.
Nobody kicks people from m+
Kicking someone from an m+ party after the dungeon has started means you will lack someone and cant replace him. Essentially your mythic has failed right there and then.
Nobody will sacrifice mythic stones for the sake of putting a point on some random counter.
Circumventable. A forfeit vote can be implemented. If at least 3 ppl agree on forfeiting the dungeon, then nobody gets deserter. There. Problem solved in 5 seconds for you.
This sentence made no sense whatsoever. Just pointing that out for you.
The current system can be abused to any extent. Literally. Any.
You can ruin anyones keystone by simply leaving and to be perfectly honest i have my face full with degenerates who leave after 1 bad pull, leaving you with up to hours of work to recover the level loss on your stone.
You have either no idea how the system works or you are daft on purpose. Pick one.
As I said if you are not the first one to leave the group it does not count. Also, there is no such thing as “impossible to complete”, just very slow.
There are 2 main rules you need to follow if you do not use raider io:
Do not invite someone if you cannot comprehend any part of their name wether it be a random jumble of letters or in a completely different language such a accented or cyrillic.
Oh come the f on.
Dont tell them not to invite guardian druids, tell blizzard to fix the god damn class instead. I have my face full with this. Druid was my main for 10 years in this damned game and enter bfa im at a constant struggle between the incapability and utter retardation of blizzard and player prejudice.
Look, you had your fun with a 4th spec for a while but it’s time to let the bear die and re-implement guardian back into the other specs… by just removing guardian and doing nothing else.
Dk’s didnt get 6 specs to account of their 3 lost specs so druids should not have been afforded a 4th.
Imma suggest this as an option for helping out with a lot of M+ frustration:
“Someone has left your group early. Would you like to reset the instance, recover your key and lose all gold and items collected so far?”
Key holder will not get this message if they are first to leave. No gold or anything else is awarded to anyone for leaving without completing the instance.
Yes it is possible for a group of 3-4 players to get 1-2 randoms in, see the run is failing, kick a random and reset.
Yes a group can mutually agree to let the keyholder reset the key, if one of them willingly takes a deserter debuff. Yes Guilds may choose to do this in teams of 6 and rotate.
Are either of these outcomes worse than the current state whereby the person who owns the key (who did the work to get it) is the one who takes the all the risk? The most likely thing is being the random who gets kicked - so now we all want to be the keyholder.