Show us your Warband Campfire đŸ”„

In an attempt to get Kyraniel’s weapon to show I changed her mog. Seems she’s just not willing to wield this one either :dracthyr_hehe_animated:

I’m wondering if it’s an issue with the item that is equipped on the actual character.

I approve of the Gnome’s name :wink:

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This was the created group when i logged in in the game yesterday, and i am very OK with the selection. Also my monk looks like she has enough of life. Pretty funny considering my friends call me “Sad panda” when i am trying to heal then when they let all the casts go through. (our TGP group is also called Sad panda :grin: )

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She is called “Cat” because she’s a cute lil kitty!


That is genius! :cat2:


“Obedient” just needs red hair and I’d obey every command.

You have more paladins than I have hunters.


Might replace the BE paladin, iunno. I have a couple more characters that feel “just as important” so to speak.

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Mariux looks most alarmed that the fire might attack you all

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I find it cool but what I don’t like is the fact you’re now stuck with 1 camp

We have basically traded race unique backgrounds for a terrible looking forest.

“OK I got the marshmallows cooking


Mine are literally just in the same order they were before. So they aren’t specially chosen.

Fire has caused a great deal of damage to the world. We probably can’t be too careful at this point.

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I think i might have decided on what to do.

This guy (obviously)
My priest who was my original character.
My warlock who was the second class i mained
And finally a horde earthen monk to parallel my alliance monk main. Just incase they ever add faction quests again.

But i would need to race change my priest and my warlock as i cant have 3 void elves with the same customisation called moritz sat around the campfire. That just looks silly haha
No clue what i would change to though.

Some are very committed to a theme

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Also found this one on Reddit


Are we able to change the background of the Warband Campfire? It would be nice if we can customize our WB screen. Maybe something like “little player housing” - change the background, change the fireplace, put some trophy items from your in-game achievements here and there, change the tent or something.