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I should do this with all my Souldefilers

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wish the levels were hideable kinda

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So what do we call a group of Souldefilers

A Posse of Souldefilers

A Calamity of Souldefilers

A Bucketful of Souldefilers

A Takeaway of Souldefilers



Something not repeatable in polite company? :thinking:

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I would if I knew how to post pictures on here. :smiley:

Just upload the image somewhere, then start a post, paste in the url, highlight it, use the </> button. We can then repost it.

If you have TL3 you can just post it.

What is TL3?

Finally! Still not sure on the selection, but for now it will do.

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Only if it is another blood elf.

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Trust Level 3. You can only post images if you have it (it’s basically a forum grind that Blizzard decided to add to the current forums).

Blizzard uses discourse for their forums and we have Trust Levels, everyone can post but if you are a regular active participant you get to post non trusted links.

It’s to prevent abuse (imagine all the massive and unsuitable images/links/gifs a person trolling could spam) and reward the regulars with the tiniest of perks.

So it goes

TL0 - New
TL1 - Basic
TL2 - Member
TL3 - Regular

Most people are Members, you can see what you are in your activity, Your trust level is per posting character.

I’ve made some changes.

Not really sure I will enjoy the DK either but I want to.


No warrior, monk, rogue or evoker huh

I used to have TL3 but then lost it and just never gotten it back :smiling_face_with_tear:

When future warband’s BG get more skins. I hoped for jungle. Since best look for my trolls


Nim looks ready for action!!!

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I changed chars 10 times. And i think just ar tww release ill chose the magnificent 4