SIGNUPS CLOSED [Rp-PvP Campaign] War on All Fronts: Howling Fjord - Jan 6 - Jan 13

Brace yourselves, dwarves are coming to the camp.

Yea you can, people talked about it a while earlier.

Aslong as you don’t take part in the battles (which is what the sign-ups are for, to balance those out) you should be completely fine!

If you are not signed up, you will not be allowed to take part in the battles nor the final sieges at the end of the campaign. You will be restricted to roleplaying in the camp. However, you are free to do your own PvE things in the zone as long as they do not overlap into zones where active play is happening.

Hello Cheaoka and sorry if this been mentioned before but when is the Alliance meeting going to be held?

Issued on the first day of the new year…

For the attention of all commanders, lords and masters:

In preparation for the forthcoming expedition to Northrend, the 10th Brigade and its associated forces shall be mustering at Highbank on the 3rd day of January, between 8 and 8.30 pm. A closed doors strategy meeting shall be held whilst cold weather clothing (and misc. equipment) is distributed to the attending forces.

Following this, all expeditionary forces will reconvene in Thundermar; transport to Victor’s Point is available, from which any marching forces may avoid Horde patrols between Highbank and Dragonmaw Port. On the 4th day of January, joint training exercises will be held throughout the Highlands, both in the mountains and at various towns, as required.

Final preparations are to be made on the 5th day of January, upon the evening of which all attending forces will set sail for the fjords. If you or your company are unable to be present on any of these days, please send notice as soon as possible.

For the Alliance!
O. Falheim
10th Brigade Commander


An incredibly large poster is plastered across the local Orgrimmar war boards, effectively covering the entire frames and going as far as to being so obnoxious that the very edges of them are flopping around unattached…

Soldiers of the Horde! Read this if you are pledged to the HOWLING FJORD OFFENSIVE taking place not long from now:

ON THE 6TH DAY OF THIS MONTH you are summoned to Bladefist Bay, where a commissioned vessel will take you directly to the Fjord, docking on VENGEANCE LANDING . From there, we will proceed to our base of operations, NEW AGAMAND.

Our journey will be SWIFT , aswell as HOPEFULLY UNEVENTFUL . Ensure to bring WARM CLOTHING CAPABLE OF RESISTING EXTREMELY LOW TEMPERATURES and all PERSONAL EFFECTS necessary to your persons.

You will be supplied with FOOD, SHELTER and EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE on site, aswell as any tools needed for FUTURE CIRCUMSTANCES .

The vessel departs from Bladefist Bay FIFTEEN MINUTES PAST THE EIGHT DRUMS . Make sure everyone is present, for any means of travel to the Fjord will become further complicated by the coming battle operations.

I look forward to shoulder you all on the front. For the Horde!


General Hangart Helmar


Verleanla Mistwalker, Dark Ranger and the Ranger Captain of the “Dark Rangers of Sylvanas” signing in. I have come with orders from the Dark Lady to eliminate the Alliance at Howling Fjord and a personal matter included from the Undercity. Only I would be present. For the Dark Lady!

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Concerning the Horde forces, any guild leaders that would like an invite to the calendar event I’ve set up on this sunday are welcome to DM me so I can slap your name up on there if you love looking at calendars.

I can be found ingame as Hangart and on Discord: Hangart#1337

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very quickly points the words “Signups closed” and closes the door, but lets u sneak in

You better not be using that hat to place punji sticks…

You know sneaking in is possible :stuck_out_tongue: wasn’t home for the week couldn’t do much so didn’t notice either sadly enough.

tips fedora “Mi lord”

It’s a shame I’ve only just noticed this now, I’ve been a bit absent lately =( Are players still allowed to attend the campaign in a non-pvp capacity, or are the sign ups for the campaign in its entirety?

Also, what are the chances of spots opening up for lone people to attend in the future?

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As far as I know, people can attend everything except the RP-PvP event fights. So you should be able to attend camp RP and stuff like that.

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That’s all well and good and reasonable to assume, but I’d like something conclusive from the organiser. With that in mind I’d probably get further by asking in-game, now I think about it.

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That subject has been discussed exhaustively above.

It’s as Uruk says.

It has been discussed already, please read the thread.


Thank you for quoting a post! I have read (much of) the thread and for whatever reason the new system doesn’t make it as easy to find these things as the old ones did (I used to ctrl+f from page to page).

Asking gets things answered, so thank you for that!


With the campaign officially starting today, I’ll bump this thread and wish both sides the best of luck.

alliance are done for tbh