SIGNUPS CLOSED [Rp-PvP Campaign] War on All Fronts: Howling Fjord - Jan 6 - Jan 13

On a far more different subject than the current one about who did what…

I seriously had a great time with everyone in this campaign. You’ve all been amazing and you gave me memories that will be lasting for long and will be forgotten very hard.

Props up to the Grim Gest and their guild leader for taking the lead for the purge squad, and thanks to everyone else that was in both restricted and unrestricted for the memorable moments.

Seriously, I enjoyed this, and hope to see you guys around in other campaigns; every one of you. ^^


Probs to Grim Gest in a whole tbh. That final fight when all the Horde btfo’d?


Put clothes on first.

Then we can talk.

~ <3

gets hanged atop the walls of shadowforge with the letters reading d e g e n e r a t e



Ye had better run back to yer hovel, healer!

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Yeah Grim Gest and their GM were absolute champs. Other than a few people forcing his hand on one occasion, he was a genuine and fair dude. Hope to RP with him again soon.


Grim Gang best Gang, right?


The Three Hammers are the only people who are allowed healers, because healing is too…uncultured. Even then our healers attack other healers.

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Reporting for duty sir! Father Jeremiah the Shadow priest!

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oh, but its fine when a night elf does it.

i understand

No it’s worse when a Night Elf does it.

You’re known to keeping the company of bigots yourself, how is this not a case of the pot calling the kettle black?

Or are you ready to denounce the behavior of your peers?

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Can we get this forum topic to 800?

On a serious note I had a lot of fun on the campaign and I know most of mine did as well. Dwarven flanking best flanking. Is that healers at the rear? We’ll say hello with our hammers. Hunting those damned not nice gobbos and other hunters was a blast as well, but I think next time I will wear a gnomish gundam to deflect all the aimed shots.

Regardless of OOC or IC drama or whatever it was that ultimately left us with a rather disappointing end without a chance for me to properly smack Horde one final time, I thought that it went quite well. Cheers everyone, Alliance and Horde alike. I hope next campaign wont break down quite as hard!



I wish people focused on healers this much in actual PvP. :frowning:

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You say that but when you turn away he grabs the belt and beats his Death Knights for not griefing hard enough.


Fifty Shades of Grim?

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I beg to differ.

So yeah. I would be serious as well. Even though the campaign might have had it’s drawbacks I had quite the fun. I enjoyed the Purge Squad most of all and I commend Morsteth and Alfwyn both for having a great go.