SIGNUPS CLOSED [Rp-PvP Campaign] War on All Fronts: Howling Fjord - Jan 6 - Jan 13

Magic is fer nerds, thats why we call all healers and casters.

Some of your friends have, in the past - do you denounce their behaviour, then? It’d be good to know if you do! Otherwise I can only assume you condone it, I’m afraid.

~notices bulgy wulgy worgen



sets your beard on fire


Shotgun pump

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His beard is already on fire.

I don’t recall ever reading anything suspicious like that. I was more suspicious about Chook favouring the Horde in resources, objectives etc.

Besides, if he had said “Don’t say High Command sent you specifically, I have something in mind” right at the start I would’ve been accepting of that, I reckon. I offered to help him out with the campaign since I saw there was no Alliance organiser and ik what it’s like to have things like that leaked, but I doubt you’ll believe that.


I needed google translate to figure out what the f*** you just sperted out of your Dumb mouth.

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yes laddie

notices healing spec

uwu what be this lad


Bloody heretics, Deus In Regnium infidel.

High Command sent us a letter telling us to be friends

Yet it was unsigned


Lighting our hair on fire is cultural.

I’m calling the Purge Squad

get zoomerd

Clearly it was a biased narrative favouring the Perroy agenda


Healing spec is a hell of a drug

That’s not even a word.

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You just gotta believe.

Get scoobered

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