In this thread, please post if you played WoW on the Alliance side of Silvermoon in 2004-2006.
For best results, post what you remember about yourself and your friends you used to play with:
• Your character’s name, race and class.
• The name of your original guild on this realm.
• The character names of other players you’re hoping to reconnect with.
Please stick with in-game info, and do not post IRL identifying information about yourself or others.
To quickly find if the friend or guild you’re looking for is listed here, use the Search function! Just select the magnifier icon on the top right – be sure to check “Search this topic” to limit your results to this thread.
Good luck finding your former mates!
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Finalfuntasy, Human, Rogue
Cannot remember the guild name. We cleared Onyxia late, did a little bit of AQ 20. There was a rogue, I think his name was Dark-something. I would like to reconnect with him if they remember me.
Rain, Nelf, Druid
Skylimits, Female Orc, Warrior
Ilidain, Night Elf Druid
Vagabonds And Angels
Hoping to reconnect with old guildies, Hotmayo, Sajaself, Sajason, Melthrindia, Rivek, Holyhedgehog, Raudain, Milkoo, Fezz, I’m sure there’s more but those are who I remember off the cuff.
Jardille, Night Elf Hunter
The Red Raiding Hood
Lanfare (warlock) or Bells (druid). Played with a guild called “Swedish Elite” and later “Dedication”
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Started out on Silvermoon as human Paladin called Busko in a guild called Cerberus Guard if i recall it correct. Moved later on to Kul tiras with the guild Element. Also played quite alot as rouge called Bellona. Hope to see if there is still people that play 
Played on Hazzrd - Dwarf Priest. Was playing mostly shadow pvp with a great group of Silvermoon friends and managed to get last grand marshal on the server at the time. Later moved on to Unit guild in TBC
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Snøsokk, Night elf warrior. Can’t remember the guild names but i remember playing with:
Lots of irl friends returing to classic aswell!
Hey all,
Markos here, human warrior that drifted from place to place until I found a permanent home in < Scorpion Pirates >!
Looking to hopefully find out if any oldies are returning, just to name a few:
Skotten, Xazuki, Nyrad, Narkotik, Yortail, Nanulin, Jackaubrey, Ironjammer, Gea, Ludovico, Engaril, Ringridning (Jormungandr)
All the heroes from SP: Sphunter, Dekar, Chewie, Weedboss, Eeesan, Tangela, Trudi, Fabiusbile, Alistar, Gultragor, Shmeggs, Thibbledorf, Machela, Trancey, Ephryl, Kirenaj, Odyseus, Midney… the whole raid team! I haven’t forgotten you either, Stevaras!
I have a ton of old school screenshots to share with you, but more importantly I’m looking to create new ones now in Classic!
All the best,
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Me: sia, Human Priest
Guilds: Minions of Mithril & Inner Sanctum
We competed for server firsts and EU/World firsts in MC, BWL and World bosses.
Knew people in the guild, Winters Heart, also.
In touch with some via BattleTag, but would like to find more 
Hey i played in guild The Red Raiding hood. elf Priest named Skojs and dwarf warrior named Jojja… Lovely time
Name: Shela/Sheila
Race: Human
Class: Priest
Guild: dont remember
Name: Nightjerle
Race: Nelf
Class: warrior tank
Guild: Shade (The friendly alliance was our raid group of 3 guilds as I recall !)
I’m also looking for you guys! Broly, berk and our old raid team!
Also Sià I remember you guys! You in contact with any guys from Ascension or Shade ?
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If I’m not mistaken, we played together in the guild Raven? Belar GM? I had a female Nelf warrior called Qeliz
Female Night Elf Warrior
I believe the guild was called Raven, with a proud scotsman(?) GM Belar running the show. Good mix of people of all ages.
I used to organize PuG-raids in mid/late TBC for KZ, Gruul and Magtheridon. Sign ups where usually posted on the realm forum and I know we had some regulars. I also raided with a Shadow Priest called Laioei in the guild Orion for some time in early TBC.
I’m going to roll on Mirage Raceway and would love to get in contact with people who are looking for a semi-serious yet casual and social time in Classic. Real life has caught up to me (and many others I assume) so the 10h/day sessions are rare and far between these days.
Dwarf warrior Tank named Hegre.
used to roam around with Foresthump the pala healer, Madmartigan the hunter, Rihdan the Meatloaf-loving hunter and Dariela who dissapeared shortly after TBC.
Remember allways running into The Red Raiding Hood or The Celtic Leaf Army (unsure about the name on last one)
Taz/Monzun, played Rogue and Fury Warrior in Sacred Order along with Beorn, Pekka, Id, Hackman and the gang. Would be fun to catch up if anyone is still here 
Altariel, night elf druid.
I was/still am in Ancient Heroes but i don’t play retail anymore. But i’m thinking about starting WoW classic to have some fun.