Silvermoon should stay Horde

Unless they are from the Alliance faction right?

You’re sick, that’s Roleplaying. RP-racism is tolerated ; precisely because its ROLEPLAYING
You cannot be racist for a race which doesnt exist IN REAL, verstanden?

Cure yourself and let the forum in peace.

Maybe we all need to report you for trolling and you ll be silence for 3 months

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You must be new here, that doesn’t stop him.

fantasy humans are overused and have writers favoritism. that is not racist just a fact from a meta pov.

You must be new here, that doesn’t stop him.

I am, i actually looking for travel from my homeworld to ENG-servers.

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Oh c’mon we all know you have said much much worse than that about WoW humans. Why are you being tame all of a sudden? You aren’t known for being shy.

Well in that case welcome and HF.

I’ll probably be silence for 1-3months because of this clown.

Who is he?

I mean you don’t have to tell me, humans are the most boring race in existence, I play one everyday irl.

I don’t think he will really report you. Just being silly.

A troll with Alliance envy that pretends to like the Horde but keeps contradicting himself every 2 sentences (maybe less). He just keeps spamming every forum he can find with the same exact thread over and over again. Fun to roast though.

PS Ask him about the Amani trolls and you will soon find out how much he really cares about Blood elves or Silvermoon.

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The begining of his topic was a fraud

Silvermoon should stay Horde

Everyone knows and admit with decent honesty that putting blood elves in horde was a big 2007 mistake, only zoomers and people with bad faith or bad lore knowledge can claim “olol Silvermoon/BE are horde 4 ever”

Everyone know that putting Draenei in horde was impossible because of the past of slavery between them and Blizzard wanted to introduce a sexy race into horde

Lore : zero

King Anasterian must shake in his own tomb if I knew that today there are elves in silvermoon fighting side to side with TROLLS and ORCS

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Someone on the forums here said Pandas were the original planned race for the Horde in TBC (*don’t know how true that is though).

I mean we do have Alleria and the high elves who were there long before Kael’Thas even took over and they are still scratching their heads on why they joined the faction with trolls, orcs and undead, but “Tyrande mean” I guess.

Wrong. They broke with a tired trope and did NOT make humans and elves best friends for a change. It was the best story ever set in stone for 17 years. And finally we have an ally who didn’t expect us to die for their lands while Quel’thalas was still full of Scourge.

If you continue fanatsy racism when this isn’t the RP forum I keep reporting you easy as that.

It was the best part :smiley:

The people who literally do this in their RP seccisons know who I am talking about here. They can feel called out.

Wut? What racism? What the hell even is fantasy racism.

Aha, but saying that I should self delete (yes, monkey, I still remember that remark) is totally fine? Not to mention your actual racist claims over the years…

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my racism pales in comparison to all the names male human paladins give to Orcs and Trolls yet you simp for them.

I thought it was funny phrase and got a smile out of me, thank you and I bid you well! :smiley:

Ahm… hard to break it to you champ but REAL Racism>“Fantasy” racism.

And when have I done that? I mean I don’t like the Horde in general, but when have I actually simped for a “male human paladin”. I only like 2 of them anyway, Uther (used to before SL) and Tyrion, the later being famous for getting kicked out of the paladin order for befriending an orc (damn traitor grrrrrrr).