Silvermoon should stay Horde

Tyrande literally said they will try to regain Teldrassil too so the Highborne larper above me gets mad over thing basically.


ANd what does that mean - is that a guarantee that blizzard is going to restore Darnassus and Teldrassil? Becasue Tyrande mentionsa bunch of zones the night elves will retake.

And if so, when will blizzard do this? in TWW? in Midnight? Titan? Expansion 20? … are you playing dumb here Erevien, NPcs saying this means nothing, it’s just part of a goodwill script. If blizzard then came out and said the night elves are going to get as eparate capital in a rebuilt Darnassus, in Midnight, then we would know.

Maybe… maybe they’ll build an incredible void elf city and an incredible night elf city in Bel’Ameth orEldre’thalas or a new Darnassus or even Zin’Azshari.

One thing is for sure, it’s not worth insulting each other or getting upset. I can understand saying you don’t want x, that’s fine but don’t get upset at people talking about it as an option, it’s pointless.

Gilneas was reclaimed, Darkshore too. Where are those permanent losses you lament? No one likes Orgrimmar and Thunderbluff not even their fans because they know they aren’t real cities if you compare them to the good alliance stuff.

Who cares about night elves though…? This isn’t even about them. This is about Silvermoon and the fact is…Telogrus and Suramar being expanded for Alliance and Horde respectively must mean something.

And Telogrus = new void elf city/capital.

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Does that mean the high elves and void elves will reclaim lost SIlvermoon and the Darnassian Night elves , lost Suramar? That way we can properly ensure no losses at all


Suramar never belonged to the night elves. The actual owners still live in it for 10k years undisturbed. What you are asking for is basically the only nice city of the Horde because you think after having Stormwind, Boralus, Mechagon and Ironforge taht prestige object you desire should wave blue banners aswell.

Now that’s a thing of beauty
nice Erevien, very cool

I’ll one-up you; I didn’t even quest in 10.2 because it tried to start me off at Tyrande
so I just didn’t do the quests instead
technically, if updates didn’t force Bel’ameth to appear for me, it wouldn’t even exist in my characters phase


Its literally coming in the next patch.

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Are you just ignorant or being obtuse intentionally? You know full well the night elves built Suramar, and you know full well the majority of faction Night elves on the alliance come from Suramar - the night elf city introduced to us in the War of the ANcients, wehre all the nighte lfheroes who win that war and fight in Wc3 come from.

You also know that all the NIghtborne in there are the night elves that stayed behidn to protect the city, and you full well know that they are the night elf sub-race now playable on the horde because blizzard wanted it so (in-game because THAlyssra accepted Liadrin’s invitation).

If yo uidnd’t know that, well now you do!

So, knowing full well thatSIlvermoon and SUramar are those cities from those elf groups, you can’t legitimately argue that point.STick to your honest motivation - you just don’t want it instead of trying to come up with mental gymnastics to somehow exclude calims pllayers perceive night elves and high elves are.

They’re not idiots, even if you like to play the fool… they only need to pick up the biggest night elf lore book written and read the first book, or pick up a copy of Chronicles volume 1, if they can’t be bothered, they can pay the Suramar quest line and pay attention to what is said, or go spend hours on wowpedia sites.

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I will do that except I’m a Death Knight and my wife is a Goblin lady.
Btw this is Amani land, pointy ears should go back to the arcane tank they came from

If you want to complain about invaders flooding into your homelands then give the Amani their lands back, elf.

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I prefer destroy Silvermoon than let the city in the hand of crack’fel’elves who did “friend-friend” with orc troll undead and vulps’

I hope about midnight for a intro cinematic like this one :

in place of undercity and sylvannas : Silvermoon and Lorthemar and his 2 clowns

Alleria & Vereesa : KEEP FIRING !§1§§§

Anduin : Laydies ! We have Him cornered

Jaina : smiling :smiling_imp:

Lorthemar : Sweating

Оh please do.

Yeah, and I will turn the sunwell into a fel/voidwell… ooops did I say the quiet part out loud.

We need to cure you first or you ll explode :frowning:

Amonet is back in Isle of Quel danas

Those night elves still are in there who mutated into a different kind of elf after the radiation of the Nightwell hit them.

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Reported for racism. Someone is not worth less just because they are a troll or Orc.

Nah I’m good, I’m like Lemmy or Rick Flair, stopping my supply will kill me at this point.

Looks at Erevien’s posts about humans being worthless :thinking:

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