Silvermoon updated to match the current story

I go to silvermoon for my ah almost always. Less people ,loads better ,higher fps then org and less noise from mechanical mounts.


I saw some art assets where a creative fellow had gone along and ‘re-textured’ Suramar in Silvermoon colours. It was breathtaking, let me tell you. I’ve wanted an SMC rework since Cataclysm - imagine being able to fly up and REACH all of those stunning spires, balconies and alcoves you see?

Alas, something something “We’d have to give up a whole raid tier to do it” something something “Year of record profits for ActiBlizz” something something “Blizzard are a small indie company who are struggling and had to lay off hundreds of staff.”


I think that creating some relevant and noteworthy event around said area, would be a perfect way of having an excuse to avoid the above.

Maybe that’s what’s needed, some sh!t hitting the fan up there, that forced Blizzard to start handling the area and feeding it with the resources needed to give it a new look.

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If they work on one, they absolutely MUST work on Azuremyst Isle and Bloodmyst Isle.

It isn’t fair on the Draenei fans for only Blood Elves to get an updated zone and they be left out.
But what stories do they create?

Well…perhaps the Draenei focus on Old God/Faceless ones story. Perhaps making attempts to reopen the Sun Gate and invade the Outland and make attempts to corrupt two planets at one time. Updates could be that many of the ancient Highborne towns have been remade with Draenei architecture. Bloodmyst Isle could be where the primary forces of the Old Gods are stationed. Azuremyst Isle could deal with Twilight’s Hammer infiltrators.

For Quel’Thalas, I think a start at the bottom and work our way up is a good way to go. The unused area above Stratholme could be the new starting zone and this could be where we see Sin’dorei and Shal’dorei work together.
Now the overall story would be Queen Azshara and her Naga making attempts to claim and corrupt the power of the Sunwell.
When players start, they could be fighting against Amani traitors who have returned from Zandalar and have aligned with the Queen and Old Gods. We could have in-game cutscenes with these trolls and also, this would give us a good excuse to bring back Scout Captain Elsia.
The further north we go, we see more Naga forces set up around Eversong’s coastline with Sunstrider Isle being the final part. After this, the player travels to Quel’Danas with Elsia, Rommath, Liadrin and Lor’themar to stop Azshara’s forces.

Interestingly there was a rumour of a Eversong/Silvermoon Warfront which would have been kinda perfect. Darkshore got its SECOND rework thanks to Warfronts. But instead we got Barrens Warfront and no SMC update. Can’t wait for the BARRENS to get its second rework before SMC gets even flying put in.

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The Darkshore rework was bullcrap anyways, nothing really updated neither in graphics nor other aesthetics. So I am happy with Silvermoon staying in 2007. We’ve got enough Horde city raids already, make it stop.

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Warsong Gulch was more impressive than Darkshore.


I’m calling the Siege of Thunderbluff as a raid (requires a raid group anyway).

I guarantee you that no belf fan will want the kind of rework that Darkshore got. Not unless you want the city burned down first.



If it’s just backwards and forwards, as is the case with Arathi and Darkshore, it’ll amount to nothing.

A Silvermoon Warfront is possibly one of the worst things that can happen to Blood Elf lore at the current time and unlike Blizzard’s hatred for Night Elves, they do seem happy to keep the blood elf fans sweet.


Would be fun to slice up elves in HD


Please, no updates. I’m fine with the city as it is and the last thing I want is for Blizzard to give us more lore considering their current track record.


I want a update, for all cities for them all to be relevant some for older zones/content withe venets/wq’s(that arent just kill 1 big X or 12 small X) ,multiple kinds of invasions and such.

But at same time dont want it, cause it will most likly get butchered all in lore OR be a warfront/raid or its only updated in raid but not in overworld.
Just to much chance blizz would make it even worse.


I would love an update to the city.

But you do raise a good point…

I can almost imagine the story and how bad and biased it will be : “with the help of the Kirin’tor the Blood Elves managed to rebuild their city”



An update can still happen.

Personally, I think Blizzard needs to work on that bit of land that is not accessible, just above Stratholme and just below Quel’Thalas.
I think we need to see that strong union between Shal’dorei and Sin’dorei.
The Ruins of Silvermoon not “being in ruins.”
We also should have something that involves Twilight’s Hammer (ZA could be the locations for dealing with this - Twilight’s Hammer + Amani Troll allegiance)
And we should get a proper Blood Elf vs Naga. I’m all down for Quel’Thalas’ coastlines being invaded by Queen Azshara and her Naga.

I’d also bring back Scout Captain Elsia.

Draenei revamp - deal more with the aberrations of the Old Gods’ forces (faceless ones etc)

Don’t know how you’d feel about this.

Actually i would prefer the areas to remain more peaceful.

Yes i know… World of WARcraft, however i would just like to see some areas where minor threats are the biggest problem and not another impending doom and so on.

What i would do is make a cool event in Quel’thalas areas where the players need to work and gather resources and do activities to restore the lands and you would gradually see the zone evolve into the final piece ,of a rebuilt homeland.

The good relation between the Blood Elves and the Nightborne has a lot of potential indeed and i would like to see more of it.Actually i would argue if Silvermoon does get the update it needs that it will have a slight Nightborne influence as well, or at least a small part of the city dedicated to them.

Scout Captain Elsia does need to return as i really liked her in the Isle of Thunder zone and she is one of the minor characters that could get some love as we previously discussed if i recall.


Well, you see, without “something”, it’s boring.

The Blood Elf starter zone needs a kick. Having it just be “peaceful” doesn’t promote anything that is worthwhile doing. They need something to happen.
I believe invading Amani, Twilight’s Hammer and Naga are the best route to go down for this, whereas the Draenei deal with more, direct minions of the Old Gods, such as the Faceless Ones.

Well you see, restoring the land, as the Magistrix said, is impossible because the zone is timelocked into an Eternal Spring.
Now it might look beautiful and pretty, but this isn’t respecting nature’s natural cycle. However, this doesn’t stop reclaimation of old towns and villages. The dead scar will be here because that was formed under the Highborne’s previous enchantments to keep the zone in a solid season.

Also, this is very “Garrison-y.” I don’t believe this should be the route to go down because it doesn’t do anything.
Something has to happen. We can’t simply cut blood elves out of the World of WARcraft and expect players to just go around, doing crappy little things and call it “experience.” Something needs to happen which involves bad guys.

We need to stop this fear of “blood elves getting hurt.” They are in this world, they will get hurt. They need to get hurt, just like everyone else. They aren’t special snowflakes.

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I understand your point of view.

Thing is i do not want Quel’thalas to be a warzone.A big part of it’s charm is it’s beauty, be it unnatural.

I look at old zones such as Ashenvale and The Barrnes. I really dislike them being turned into a warfront basically.

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It wouldn’t be warzone though.

A warzone is just like a Warfront.
Elwynn isn’t a warzone, despite it having Bandits, Blackrock Orcs, Gnolls and Kobolds causing trouble.
Teldrassil wasn’t a warzone, despite it having Nightmare creatures, Satyr and Harpies.
This is something that would need to happen for both Quel’Thalas and Azuremyst&Bloodmyst Isle. Neither involve a faction war. It’s actually them contributing to a war effort that the other races are also facing (barring the allied races.)

Both races would be extremely stale and boring, if they have a boring, revised introduction. It’s not going to draw players in to actually want to help them.
If it’s Garrison-y in anyway, whereby it’s more of a solo-player experience, as this would be, it will flop harder than 8.1 flopped.
The truth is sweetheart, this looks like more of a solo-player scenario than an actual races’ introduction. This wouldn’t work.

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Silvermoon not having a barber or transmogrifier is really ridiculous. The idea that Blood Elves have to travel all the way to Orgrimmar- of all places- for a fancy hairstyle…
They might want to do something about that translocation orb, too, so that it won’t send you right into the blight soup any longer.


High Elves

It means nothing, now. It isn’t a “race”, just a fancy name for traitors who slave for alliance. But then you have “Hightborne” nelfs in daremaul, then Night-borns - who count themselfs as “high elfs” too , then there this naga business, being highborns originally, and apparently some of them can change back at will. At least Ashara done so in one quest. So technically, all of Silvermoon population is “high elfs”.