Simple QOL AV Improvements

AKA you can’t. Thanks for proving me right. bb.

This guy is the definition of a saltmine.
Thanks for my morning chuckle :slight_smile:

You fix that by doing it yourself, since it’s perfectly possible to achieve with Vann as well.

group ques = useless
alliance will skip premade VS premade battles anyway)
we wont waste time for “honored” fights becouse we have possibility to que on 3-2-1-go
Just becouse we can. Its not a problem to send 1 man to check for hode premade and skip them))))))))))

most people who play in premade need ranks
we aim honor per hour
we dont have fun from PvP
we just need title before our name and gear
loose with 2000 honor and 7 minute BG better for us then win with 4000honor and 20 minutes wasted.

Honor per hour
thats all.

Imagine situation with 1000 horde and 10 alliance players per one realm.
When all these alliance solo que, they appear on the same bg as premade.
I believe even then horde scums will cry over unfair advantage lmao.

@Carl: This is completely unfeasible, even if you mean realm and not faction, given the existence of Mandokir.

@Bewarê: Same problem here, the mechanic as described would not work properly. In fact, since paid transfers exist, the worst case scenario would be a situation, where a part of English speaking PvP community transfers to Mandokir and the Spanish players become wholly unable to do any BGs at all, given their relative numbers are far smaller. People should not get punished for being parts of small (language) communities.

Ah, good ol’ 2 wrongs makes a right logic eh?

Now you’re simply making up scenarios. The fact is, that there are several realms, so when you see 30-38 people from the same realm, commonly in the same guild and with very good synergy, then I think it’s fair to suspect a premade.

You’re correct, I would only assume exceptions would have to be in place for regions where there’s only one realm. I may have made a mistake going into the logic on how to scramble the queues, and it’s definately going to be less efficient on small communities, seeing as the likely hood of facing the same players is far greater there.

I think the fact that “X-Realm premade” is a thing, should be enough to raise concern for not only horde players.

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Just imagine being so obsessed by this.
These racials mean nothing in AV since you all rush Drek anyway.
Are you mad that the Horde just accepted the queue’s and aren’t whining like the alliance during phase 2?


These whole “change XYZ” are QQ threads from horde players!

This post is from one !

Link me one of on alliance player.

Can you read? I don’t care about racials, I am simply stating racials are the reason horde is overpopulated and have queues. Imagine being this retarded.

Btw half of front page is horde crying about premades lol.

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First I think both should be fixed. The backdoor AND the premade. They are not exclusive you know.

Second, even if I use the backdoor and tag the Aid Station in 4 minutes because Alliance was to lazy to defend at all, against a decent premade they most of the times killed Drek even before the timer on the Aid Station has passed and the majority of the Horde zerg is not even in your base yet because they can skip everything and just kill Drek in one fast push.

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I’m going to stop replying to the repetitive comments since they’re obviously missing what the thread is about. I don’t care about winning or losing, especially since we (horde) more often than not, actually win.

I’m simply posting suggestions to improve the integrity of the battelground and make it more fun for both sides by patching “bugs”/“exploits”/“you name it” that clearly weren’t intended to be part of the game.

Kudos to all of you who are trying to keep this discussion civil and relevant.

(I’ll also update the post to include the wall-jump exploit for hordes)

Not whining?
Looks at Classic forums
Sorry you were saying? :smiley:

There was a topic the other day specifically asking how everyone felt about the queue.
And the general vibe was positive.
People are happy they aren’t glued to the warmaster 24/7.

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Usually alliance larping on their retail horde chars.
Haven’t you noticed a lot of topics against horde are from retail horde characters?

Do you honestly believe these “change xyz pls” topics are never from alliance players so much that you’re challenging me to find one?

You only started posting 4 days ago since september.
I’ve been posting here since launch.
I know what topics have been around.

Only requires 40 people to form an AV premade.
Server caps are around 10k.

Compare that to vanilla numbers. There wasn’t even xrealm matchmaking for most of that time, yet you’d still see people with exalted reputations with BGs.

It’s not “completely unfeasible”, it’s just not as convenient.

Besides, as for the Spanish realm, they’re atm also in the large EU matchmaking pool, so that filter as suggested wouldn’t affect them as negatively as you’re assuming.

OP voiced his concerns and tried coming up with solutions.
Your first response was “give up your imbuh racials” or whatever.

It seems to me you care a lot about them.

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As he completely ignored why it came to this, while ago for all “solutions” from alliance in P2 we only heard:

  1. get gud

  2. reroll

  3. quit

Where were his voices there ? He only demands change now as he has a disadvantage.

This is the biggest factor why there is such a faction inbalance ! Dont you get it ???!!!

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The premade only has to do with the faction inbalance.

Blizzard cant change that.

The biggest factor?
Did you do a poll on that?
Why did more people pick horde back in vanilla then?
When the racials weren’t completely min maxed?
You keep factoring out personal preference, a very human trait.
People like playing horde character, don’t you get it???