Since Blizzard won't balance PvP servers by transfers then fix Horde's OP racials

Well the thing is, nobody cares for real about Perception otherwise the PvP servers won’t have been skewed 40-60% in favor of the Horde, the Alliance Faction in Herod and other servers would not disband to reroll Horde.

I am not proposing that the Horde OP PvP racial change out of spite, I am doing so because they have broken the game and we are just a few weeks away before Alliance Factions in PvP servers die off.

Yes. Berny approves of this message.

Woah woah I exceeded my weekly sodium intake simply from reading this post


War stomp - stuns for 2 second (max 2 targets) in 3 yard range but 2 sec cast. Lmao nice joke next time try make it balanced not useless m8.

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Μaybe you should just L2P or alternatively stop using this racial altogether in PvP if you can’t pull it off.

Horde racials came from Vanilla at a time where the Horde were the Minority in many servers in order to to entice more players to roll Horde.

Clearly, the raison d’etre for these OP racials has ceased to exist now and they should be balanced so as not to constitute I.W.I.N. BUTTONS.

I had other Alternative suggestion.
Instead of swinging balance back forth, Blizz could add each race second racial ability being copy of one of the opposing faction racials. However using one active racial will put it and second one on their full CD.

A rogue that ask a Nerf for other in TBC.
A rogue.
thats fun


Shadowmeld cow KEKW

And this would only appy in PvP ?
Because not everyone in WoW does PvP.
Some of us like our current racials, using in PvE.

Not everything in WoW centres around PvP.

Could i ask for these changes as a warlock?

These changes are intended to be disincentives for Horde to use their racials in PvP.

They are not intended as nerfs for Horde races in PvE and they aren’t so.

The rest i can perfectly understand and agree with. But nerfing the bloody trolls . Who got by far the worst pvp racial . The real balanced version of our racial was at wotlk when the 10-30% attackspeed became flat 20% . Which is still meh considering how many attack speed CLASS skills exist which give much more than that %
Now you are actually suggesting reduced healing effects . 150% is mathematicaly impossible btw , the cap should be 100% which means ZERO heals . Again , when talented hunter aimed shot and warrior mortal strike reduce healing by 50%
Nerf undeads to the ground for all i care :slight_smile:
But this is pure hate :upside_down_face:

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Well, there should be a disincentive/penalty for using Berserking in PvP to save that Orc Warrior who has popped Bloodfury and Free Action potion and is mowing down the Alliance like the Reaper reaves souls.

No, if you are: rogue, druid, Warrior, mage or warlock you cant talk about op nerf and other things like that.
In season 2 when the people Will have 400+ resilience you Will understand on what im talking now.

Well, why cant i talk about race unbalance, you dont think that ally warlock is comperable to horde warlock do you?

Smt else I wanted to show you in order to see how OP Horde racials have affected the game:

More than 27% of the arena player pool is Undead b/c of OP WOTF.

According to the data, players appear to strongly believe that WOTF is the most OP PvP racial in the history of WoW.


41% of 3s are undead and orc. That’s more than human, nightelf, gnome and dwarf combined. Horde will still try to convince us alliance racials are better.



Because if you are not at 2200 minimum rating point the racials are Not essential.
You can reach 2200 rating in arena has horde or Alliance After that when you are in Road for the rank 1 i can tell you yes, the racials make a difference.
You think i dont prefer the shadowmeld in arena instead of the stomp?
Or One undead priest dont prefer the stoneform + instant heal when are tunneled from One rogue/mage instead of the wotf?

You dont know what you talking about, the most op race was the human if we Will be honest.

Hydra Is R1 whit the comp human rogue / dwarf priest.

If you lose in pvp Is not for the racials believe me

Fixed that for you. Imagine playing a race that has “increased movement speed when you’re dead” as a racial.


Racials affect you on every lvl of play, even the biggest noob is affected by them, they are not barrier but they just cause disadvantage

And yes, racials are situational, problem is that horde ones are just overall better

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