Hi, I was wondering if I can still obtain this weapon (only for transmog purposes). I can’t find any information ingame on where it drops. Also; Can warriors get it? Which classes/specs have a higher chance of it appearing in… wherever it spawns? Also it seems there are 4 versions? I don’t care what weapon stats it has. I just want the transmog itself of the red polearm.
So, assuming the worgen player is correct, I would get this polearm from random BGs on i.e a survival hunter? This is mighty confusing.
I sincerely wish this stuff was available from the get-go for transmog appearances (for a set price of i.e 60 Marks of Honor) rather than this confusing mess of what drops from where for which classes and specs exclusively and nobody can figure it out with certainty.
I just did a battleground as a survival hunter and I got a Notorious Aspirant’s Pike. Just a naga-ish themed trident. Great, now I can’t get that weapon/mog anymore. Thanks Blizzard. I really admire timegating weapons and locking them out once an arbitrary “season” passes.