But…the war didn’t stop.
We have a temporary armistice, as far as I know, an official truce was never formed between the Alliance and the Horde.
So while both factions agreed to stop fighting, for now, the war itself technically never ended.
Nope, as far as I know - they haven’t fixed it yet. Maybe next year…
Rockman rare has been fixed if that is the one you meant.
yep saw . the ring is quite pathetic … loosing like 60k-100k dps per 5 min fight.
The proc is at 2.4% to 3.5% and won’t talk about the stats loose …
Other than stamina and ilvl i don’t know why they release such a event …
It depends on what you would consider low quality. One mans trash is another mans treasure.
But i can of course see why people aren’t liking it. But i think the expectations were high just because they decided to add a “new” zone and people wanted the same quality as like Nazjatar or Timeless Isles (I’ve seen too many comments comparing them with Siren Isle). Compare it to Forbidden Reach, another minor patch, and you will have the same kind of quality. Same “boring, nothing to do small zone”.
You are not running the correct gems in that case.
That’s a pithy quote but it really doesn’t apply here, trash is generally trash and treasure is generally treasure.
As I said what we’ve got here isn’t trash or treasure it’s below average content quality, because there’s a reason it was previously discarded, that’s been watered down until it’s barely edible.
Looking at the quote literally doesn’t work. It applies. People are calling it a trash patch with nothing to do and others are calling it a great patch for what these kind of patches used to be with something to do inbetween.
And yes, it’s an average patch, not a low quality one as you first said but you appearently change your mind? Cant say low quality and average content quality at the same time while also being vague on why it is. It’s not a major but its not what we used to be getting either.
Discarded? Are you referring to the island itself? Because i don’t think you know the difference between discarded and unused.
But i’m curious, what would you expect from a minor patch? Give me examples that just doesn’t boil down to “more”.
I think Blizzard cause this outrage themselves due to the fact that they keep releasing content in such a bitesize format that is not going to keep player engagement high, Let’s be honest people want character power but not in a drip-fed manner, They try to extend the life of current content too far and try to prevent the power creep too much by implementing ilvl caps until X patch (Lets be honest no one got to 640 before Siren Isle) but now some people are hitting it until they hit the next ilvl wall and then S2 M+ will drop and 670 will become the new “cap” (670 is a example ilvl)
Whilst I do understand making content for a 20 year old game can be hard they do have billions of dollar’s at their fingertips they need to start making fuller content and ploughing more money into WoW development.
Bitesize format? Are you talking about every single patch, both minor and major? Or is it just minor patches? Because minor patches are supposed to be between the actual new content aka major patches. They are minor for a reason. And if you mean both, you are being very unrealistic and expecting way too much because, why? Money? Then ask Microsoft to give Blizzard more money and manpower.
And lets be honest here, Blizzard hasn’t been drip feeding us power since BfA and in some parts, Shadowlands. And it also depends on how you look at them “drip feeding” us power, be it timegating or just time. Because time is what they want us to spend in the game aka subs.
With how players are (and this is with every single game), Blizzard can either make it completely uncapped and make people go berserk and then quit within the first month because it got “boring” or they can timegate stuff and have people complain that its taking too long. Its either or. Whichever will have the most player retention.
I mean, you have people who where asking for Season 2 after the first 2 weeks of Season 1 starting because they had achieved what they wanted. That’s doesn’t sound like drip fed power to me.
Blizzard doesn’t have billions of dollars at their fingertips. Microsoft do. Huge difference.
They want us to spend “time” in the game yet keep giving us enough content to last a few months and the “minor” patch gives you content that lasts you less than 2 days and a hour or so of “weekly” quests.
Its either or I will agree to this sentiment and agree that WoW players will binge play until they run out of content but these types of players will quit early regardless of a timegate.
Well I do think that they should focus their attention on WoW Retail then or devote more dev time to what they currently have instead of WoW : Classic , WoW Hardcore Classic , WoW Cataclysm Classic, Plunderstorm, All they have done with all of this is given themselves a lot more servers to look after and also now we are going to get WoW Classic Classic they have spread themselves too thin.
We do not need 6 iterations of the same game.
Oddly enough I do not remember having content drought in TBC but it was a newer game for me then (I did start about 7mths before TBC hit)
It’s not a patch to increase your mains power by a ton. Don’t forget that this is not just new content but catchups for alts and more collectables for those who enjoy that.
Yes and the majority has made their voice heard about timegating the major stuff for years now. They barely, if ever, timegated power in DF. This ring is such a nothing burger when it comes to timegating. You won’t have to grind for days and days on your main THEN on alts to get the power. Here its just a dumb 6 weeks wait then its open for everyone. Even for fresh alts. No grinding from scratch.
I can somewhat agree to that. Probably in their view, allocating their resources to all of these when people only play one part is still a sub.
And to be fair to them, you can play all of them with just a sub and no other expenses.
That’s probably because everything felt new. I felt the exact same when i returned in Legion after not having played since like mid Wrath. Would sometimes feel like things went to fast but thats because i did almost everything i could.
Indeed, Although because Timeless Isle was such a success I feel that they are trying to replicate that although where is the gambling monkey for the currency gone ?? Would be nice to see him back just for a currency sink like he was for the timeless coins (Sometimes ppl would go ther e just to gamble with him in MoP ) xD
Last year, I made around €20,000.
If I spend €362 over two years to play WoW, that’s approximately 0.91% of my two-year income.
This calculation doesn’t even account for the hours of entertainment I get from the game. With 3–4 seasons in a two-year span, there’s a consistent stream of content to enjoy, potentially offering hundreds (or even thousands) of hours of gameplay.
When you break it down, the cost per hour of entertainment becomes incredibly low, making it a worthwhile investment for someone like me who values the experience WoW provides.
This year, I made even more money.
This game is cheap as hell for me.
My argument still stands: if you can’t afford it and you’re struggling with basic living expenses, don’t play games. Instead, focus on improving your career and financial stability first.
Finished the Siren Isle ‘campaign’ today. Got all the mounts, pets and tabards en a few nice transmogs.
Wonder how long the Isle will be available?
It should always be available.
Ah ok, I wondered because maybe there’s some transmogs I still may want.
So no need to hurry.
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