Siren Isle is garbage

That seems to be a thing with rares on the island. They’ll spawn a second time a few minutes later after they’re killed. Happened with every rare i’ve killed so far.

It’s MUCH better than Fobbiden Reach. In some ways, I appreciate the lack of flying in smaller zones like this.

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It is.
Certain rares spawn continuously every 15 minutes or so.
The more “rare” ones, have periods where they don’t spawn and then spawn, and respawn a few times after 7-8 minutes.

This system is way way way better.

Yeah gotta give it to them, they did well when it comes to the rares.

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yep, just need the last 2 ones from the pirate phase and I have em all :3

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I thought I am being to harsh, but yeah it’s bad it’s bugy

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I still need Wreckwater but thats the only one left for this week


It’s a normal rare, you can get it done anytime. It doesn’t change weekly.

I know, im just getting unlucky with its spawn timer.
Ive played a pretty decent amount on Siren Isle, bought the surfboard mount and all that, yet that one has never spawned for me while i was there.

It’s so random, when I needed it it never used to spawn. Now I kill it for irons.

Having a good time on that island farming currency for transmorg, just an island with relax stuff to do.

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I had a disucssion about Siren Isle with my wow friends last nigth and I came to the conclusion that while it isn’t garbage, what Siren Isle is is gruel.

It’s thin and watery made with a bare minimum of material and watered down as much as possible. A few quotes form the wikipedia page drew my eye:

  • gruel has been a staple of the Western diet, especially for peasants
  • Gruel has historically been associated with feeding the sick
  • Gruel has often been associated with poverty

What we’ve been given is gruel but been told it’s a filling meal and that’s why it’s unpopular.

Stop treating the players like sick peasants.


So Garbage I’ve yet to try it :innocent:


This would’ve made sense if it was a major patch, yet it’s not.

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So it’s okay for minor patches to be of the lowest quality? That’s exactly the sort of attitude a peasant has.


This is what Blizz dev can offer : a bland and dull game. As long as the conflict between A and H will be dead, the game will be dead too. Every expansion we will continue to fight a common evil entity. Boring. After 6 months break I decided to play again. I watched the new cinematics : an orc and a human holding hands together with tears in their eyes. Bleah.


Which is utter nonsense as even during the earlierst expansions A and H always ended up banding together to fight the bigger evil. I’ll never get these warmongering fans - then again, we also still get wars in RL while by now one ought to think ppl would be educated enough to no longer support such follies.

Either way, we didn’t even get .7 patches with content in the past, so even small content is more then nothing. If they hadn’t used recycled content, we’d have probably ended up with nothing but the two story questlines. I don’t care. 10.1 is on the horizon and that’s what matters.

I have to disagree, and would like to point out that faction tension is not equal being at open war nonstop. People who rightfully miss the ‘orc vs. human’ element (since the whole franchise was started and built upon it) want the former option, because this sudden everyone loves everyone path is as nonsensical as the nonstop allout war.
At lest in my personal opinion.

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So question , did they fix the gem/drop or should i not login ?