They said something about catch-up gear, but what catch-up gear? Giving a champion a 587 ilvl item doesn’t make it an alt friendly game. And on top of that, we’re still talking about a game where you need valor and crests, so there’s no real catch-up system in place.
The island content is a complete mess, it’s nothing more than a poorly prepared event that feels like ‘we couldn’t come up with anything new, so have fun with this.’
Pointless mountainous terrain, no flying allowed, ridiculous pits, nonsensical huge and small creatures, bosses that seem to be just there to fill space… It must be really easy to work as a game designer at Blizzard, they just keep reheating content from the previous expansion and putting it in front of us.
That’s what people seem to be overlooking, this isn’t meant to be a big stack of content, it’s something to tide us over the holidays (Until Plunderstorm starts, distracting everybody again), giving them a bit more time for 11.1, there’s a lot of (Easily affordable, for a nice change) cosmetic stuff to get on the island.
The ring being woefully underpowered until the timelock on the less-underwhelming gems expires is a bit of a gaffe, though.
What did you exactly expect ? a raid ? a new dungeon ? 4 new big maps ? , im asking seriously tho , what could made you enjoy the patch ? what did we get df mid seasons ? the same stuff , yet people praised df , it was always some new small map , and some quests , it was the same way for years and years , you can’t expect them to give you crazy content mid patches , there is like two months before season 2.
I respect your opinion , but remember that high expectation result in high disappointment that’s why when they announced the “alt gearing” i embraced the fact that i will be trying a new alt, why people expect a crazy update , i mean you guys are doing this on yourselves , patch is small , gear your alts , two months left , and then you can get disappointed in the actual 6 month patch.
What that would entail exactly, I don’t know. I am not a game developer. I pay Blizzard money to excite me, because that is their expertise and craft, and I simply note that they have not done so this time.
I don’t. It’s an old low res model… there are newer, better looking ones already in the game.
I don’t think - except for the visible ring - there is a single new mog or mount on the whole isles, it’s all recolors and not even of good looking stuff. The only thing I’ll do there is grab the ring with all my alts (since we’ll also have to carry it through Season 2) and in the end spend the currency I got while doing that, but I’m certainly not gonna waste more time there than I absolutely have to.
Okay, this is just hyperbole, at least 11.0.7 has content, if preciously little of it, and timegated, and the ring is beyond terrible for almost everybody… but it is content.