The ring will be useful eventually, the problem is eventually isn’t when the patch launches, it would of made more sense to have all the gems available today, and then gradually offer ilevel upgrade.
Even though it’s small, I find it irritating to navigate, so I don’t think that would be a good idea because that would make it even worse.
So far, yeah, this is not a zone I enjoy. It’s small, empty but also overwhelming and crowded at the same time; it’s weird.
And honestly, the fact that I have to do that content to get some transmog I want, makes me dislike it more. I would rather grind Plunderstorm than Siren Isle. And that’s saying something.
I think, for me anyway, the issue is, is that the ‘story’ of Siren Isle is yet just another distraction. And I don’t care for it.
I noticed the stark difference when I did the campaign quests yesterday. I enjoyed that. I think TWW is at its best when it’s driving the main campaign forward. And all these distractions (Siren Isle and all the anniversary stuff) is taking away from the game overal, instead of adding. They are a detriment to TWW.
I hope Blizzard learns from this. Focus on the campaign and setting of the expansion instead of all these extra things.
To be honest I think the mjority of the player base understood the time gate to be exactly that with exception to the flying gem.
Wait flying uses one of your gem slots?!? So the ring is even more useless?
Noone is mad at point number patches. Everyone is mad at the poor state of the game that leads to people have nothing to do, and instead of the company that makes that game to find solutions and fix the issues asap, they release subpar upon subpar patches, lackluster balance, buggy game,bad timegated content.
To sum up:
- pvp is unplayable. Try queueing as dps in solo queue and tell me how long did it take to get in and how was your experience.
- m+ has pretty much stalemated to a halt. The time it takes to find a group is unreal and the depletion rate is fast. Also i really struggle to get invited on my alts that are not super fotm, its next to impossible really. I dont have 16 hours a day to sit in lfg
- no real pve content outside m+ or raiding. Nothing. No sense of progressing other than hard grinding crests. Lol i would prefer artefact grinds at this point.
- raiding is a disaster. Heroic is useless since you wont upgrade that gear unless you wanna grind even more. Mythic is also a disaster with guilds having roster problems and last few bosses unfun.
- guilds are either raid logging or not logging at all. Noone plays m+ and now noone even wants to log for weekly clear/vault.
- no item hunts. Nothing to look for ingame. No matter what i do, nothing can be achievable by me. I can’t farm my trinket, i cant farm my desired weapon, i cant farm anything. Everything is only hard rng at the vault. Even on alts i will never see what im looking for. Also what im looking for is dreadfully boring. Just a passive stat stick.
- half my talents or hero trees are plain passive or unfun or non working properly or plain horrible. On my alts i cant say ok great i ll play this over that to keep things fresh. My alts have offspecs that are horribly tuned also. this cuts down gameplay to even shorter
This does seem to be one of the worse patches, yeah. I’ll probably play it in the future when every complaint is fixed because so far I’d rather just not do it to myself
Yep you need a gem to be able to fly in the isle in six weeks.
No you don’t. Its a passive from the final quest.
But its a filler content ? its alt catch content , doesn’t make no sense to add more content , rn they working on the goblin theme on s 2 , and the new dungeon , why do you think we barely have news on what’s gonna happen in s 2 ?
I believe every consumer in wow forum is clueless about how game dev works just cause the company is very advanced , if blizzard give you big content this mid season you’ll see full of cheecks updates on the “Undermined” update , blizzard never gave good updates in middle seasons , not in bfa , not in sl , not in legion even, and not in dragonflight , its been this way for arround 8 years , in bfa ion interview , they announced legion was so overworked on , that they had less time trying hard on bfa , and that’s why we got bfa worst expac to human kind , specially on the launch and season 1 , cause legion was crazy developed , do you want bfa over again ? i assume you wouldn’t want that , so there you have it , just gear your alt and get ready for s 2 , that’s literally what they said xD.
Is it? The ring is intended to be bis for everybody without exception and only to be replaced by Hero/Mythic track gear in S2. Also no reason to timegate it (rather the opposite so people have fun straight off the bat, including on alts, rather than getting annoyed again by dumb timegating)
Forbidden reach had more content.
Yeah I call absolute BS. Its an excuse to justify this sorry excuse that was BFA where they ignored player feedback in legion and then went surprise pikachuface when it backfired in BFA.
That’s a really intellectually dishonest notion.
It’s very unusual to be content with the idea of Blizzard NOT providing something in return for something you’re paying a lot of money for, and then even more so to defend it. You are the ‘perfect player’ (personal ATM) in their eyes. You are the personification of the famous matrix quote “many of them are so inured and so hopelessly dependent on the system that they will fight to protect it.”.
My biggest complaint is the damn ring.
I might be missing something but it gives no stats other than stamina.
Raises my ilvl to 600 but decreases my stats…
Galaxy brain moment.
You get gems you can put into the ring. That makes it more powerful than regular rings in 2 more weeks when we’ve got all the gems. Right now the ring is absolutely horrendous (but given your rings ilvl it may be better than your 580 ring even right now)
I suppose it’s a question of expectations.
I’ll frame it this way:
Is World of Warcraft meant to be the equivalent of a fastfood restaurant like McDonald’s where the menu is always the same, the hamburgers are the same, and the drinks are the same, and you get what you’re used to. Or is it meant to be the equivalent of a Michelin star restaurant like noma where the head chef has invented a unique menu for the season with each serving in a course being something new, exciting, and a culinary experience in itself?
I’m sure some players are here for the McDonald’s experience of gaming.
But I am not.
I want Blizzard to serve me gaming that is exciting, inventive, unique, and inspiring. The Michelin star equivalent of gaming.
After all, I do pay good money, so I do also expect more than being served the slop they’ve had in the freezer for 2 years.
In short, if Blizzard frames WoW as a premium game and charges a premium price for it, then I also expect to be served a premium game experience.
But if I look into the kitchen, then all I’m seeing is a bunch of newly graduated youngsters flipping hamburgers.
13€ is not a lot of money, its pocket change, its 2 beers at the pub or a lunch meal at the cafeteria. Inflation alone would have had you pay almost double that ammount, if Blizzard hadn’t stuck with the same pricetag for 20 years. If 13€ is that valuable to you, you got bigger problems than a video game patch.
You see WoW as a buisness, i see it as a hobby. If that makes me a injured and hopeless atm machine in your eyes, so be it, at least im enjoying myself, and in the end, isn’t that the point?
Im not talking about the ring lad , im talking about the vendor that sell full warband sets , means you won’t grind to get into m+ anymore like you used to , you’ll just get the warbound full set that cost like 130ish a piece with the new currency , and hop into m+ right away , including the champion free gear you get.
Forbidden reach is the new evoker zone that was worked on before df released , please try to understand that the zone was already made up and all they had to work on small stuff to make it work better than the siren isle , so that’s a given that reach will be way way better.
So your argument is “nah i call bs” , alright mb , you know better in the gaming dev field , keep up that mentality , also remember that player feedback was that healers should heal more , than do dps , and the result is that we got this m+ season , including the tanks population also drowned with healers included , its not like they were popular in the first place , yeah “player feedback” , always a good thing 100%.
They added more paid mounts this year then rares to the siren isle
I don’t think it’s that bad, but oh my titans the drop rates for stuff you need are way too low! Yes, I would really like the Earthen transmog sets, but collecting what is required for it will take ages.
And I am pointing out that its not just for alts.
And Siren Isle is in the game files since BFA. Its an island expedition map called Abandoned Mines. Mount rewards are also stuff like an unused asset from MoP. Forbidden reach had the island ready, but everything that wasnt part of the evoker starter zone was added. This island got nothing other than the questlines and the ring.
Even the mobs are most certainly just what they wanted to use during BFA.
I called it bs because its an excuse and nothing more. Be a fanboy somewhere else.
The feedback was that healers shouldnt feel to be forced to DPS. At least get your sources straight. And we still have the people that have that PoV and healer DPS is defacto not required aside from maybe the top 10 (which isnt relevant for anybody else) . If anyone of them genuinely believed, after the poopshow that was legion in that regard, that keeping AP in that form was a good idea then sorry but just no (and there is no defending it until the Azshara patch. Especially not during Uldir). And lets not even start about corruptions pre finished vendor rotation.
And M+ season healing boils down to CC being down the gutter while every mob has a cast that needs to be interrupted and you needing certain dispels in dungeons or you get demolished (GB and Ara-Kara for instance) unless you chain cc.
A wipe in M+ boils down to people overestimating themselves and doing levels they shouldn’t be in, not doing what they are supposed to do or a lack of communication (this includes a tank doing MDI pulls only to end up wiping the group in one second flat). Sorry if I see a 593 shaman being able to heal siege 10 (depleted or not) while some other 620 shaman cant keep anybody alive and the key bricks and people leave then ye, its clearly not the theoretical healing output.
Tanks were immortal. There is a difference in a tank being able to pull the entire dungeon and their healthbar not moving an inch and them falling over from sneezing.
Also if we go after M+: The average player is a mouthbreathing beep. We have seen this during the S2 Dragonflight in some dungeons where your dmg intake was your responsibility and DPS were dropping like flies because they didnt know (and still don’t) what CC, defensives and moving out of stuff is. If your healer had to heal then it was due to your DPS being a mouthbreather.
Also are you really trying to argue against me with worst case scenarios? Oh boy. Not to mention that this rather supports my point that Blizzard doesnt know what they are doing if they are listen to that and then come up with such a solution.
And yes, this includes your Ion. The “genius” that thought designing a raid after 2 Guilds was a spectacular idea. Or designing a raid fight that required a WA but disabling the required WA function by turning the aura private only to end up enabling the WA again later (mythic fyrakk intermission).
That’s very snob of you.
13 euro IS a lot of money. Especially every month for meaningless digital content. You are not clubbing, not travelling, not eating and not buying tangible things with that money.
Considering xpacs are 60 freaking euro (the price of a AAA game every year) he has a point to expect top tier gaming.