SL PvP vendors are not good enough

I wanted to add another point for debate regarding SL.

Ion’s interview with Preach.
“We don’t want players to be able to be optimal for every single encounter.”

That means AOE, single target situations.
I will add Mithic+, Raids and PVP.

It seems they will focus more on Raids this time.
Which probably means people will have to Raid in order to stay competitive.

In BFA we can easily swap gear and respec Azerite talents, essences and corruptions.

From what I gathered in SL if you are a Protection Warrior you can swap your Covenant habilities to Fury, but it will have like one week cooldown.

Now the question:
Will we see three types of players in SL ?

  • Raider
  • Mithic +
  • PVP

If that happens than someone specialized in killing other players will have a advantage.

What’s your opinion ?


No, that’s about the conduits. Protection and arms/fury will probably have different bis soulbinds or trees.

Thank you.
That’s the term I was looking for.

In example if Fury is the best choice for PVP while protection being the best choice for PVE regarding Mithic plus for example.

Than wouldn’t it mean a Warrior with the right build for PVP would just crush a Warrior specced for PVE ?


I don’t play PvP, so I have no idea really, but for PvP it seems to me that finesse conduits are way more important than potency ones, so it’ll be still a different build.

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Daily reminder to upvote this thread.


basically everything you have said makes sense and explains a lot of the problems in game. unfortunately however, many people seem to want to ignore these truths. theres some deep reasons for the problems in wow, and a lot of them seem connected to the direction the game is going, and yet again, ion’s name crops up. :frowning:


having played classic a little bit (the first month of release, and then again since may) and i have enjoyed a few things about classic. mainly i was most excited for it for 2 (3) reasons):

  1. seeing certain zones and landmarks again before they were changed in cata or earlier (like the dark portal)
  2. seeing what vanilla was like because i started in TBC, thats why im not massivly excited about TBC classic, and not interested at all in WotLK classic, because i was raiding back then so i recall those times.
  3. just nice to raid again without the hassle that seems to come in newer raids now. this is just a personal pre. i only raided from ulduar - ICC.

but you know the biggest reason why blizzard were wrong, and always will be wrong, about us wanting classic?

because we want retail to be as enjoyable as classic was.
we all know classic/vanilla had many issues and lacked lots of QoL, but these bugs were fixed and QoL brought in over the expansions. however the heart of the game is not what it was, and THAT is why we wanted classic and why blizzard were wrong, and still are wrong.

there is a massive disconnect between the players and the people making the decisions on the direction of the game, eg. ion.


A curious question. Some PvP guys have been campaigning for a pvp vendor for years. Now they got it and its “not enough now”?

Where is the guarantee that IF Blizz gives you your pvp stat that “it will be finally enough”?

“Offer a hand and they will take the whole arm” pretty much…

You are clueless. Please educate yourself on the matter before commenting. There have been PvP vendors for the majority of WoW’s life and just as of recent (2 xpacs ago) big head Ion decided to remove it since it is “too difficult to find for new players” (while simultaneously introducing the corruption/azerite/pve vendors). So all players want back is a vendor that functions like he functioned before Ion was made the main dev.

And you are getting it back for SL. YET people are still not happy?
So I will ask again. Give the stat back and will that calm them down?
Or suddenly a third demand will pop up?

Because PvE gear will still be better, so you are still forced to do PvE, which makes the vendor serve no function.

With a PvP stat on the vendor gear it would make it superior to PvE gear, which makes the vendor relevant.

What is hard to understand about this?


Imagine someone has, at the same time, brain cancer, kidney tumor and covid 19. He somehow gets cured of brain cancer, but then, when he wants the other two things to improve, the doctor says:

The same can be said about WoW PvP. I stand behind every person on these forums that makes PvP related demands, since it has gone to hell and the joke is no longer funny. Ion needs to get fired.


Its a video game. Not a health issue.
There are also stuff which I disliked or hated in the PvE field. But just bit the bullet and carried on. You can’t get everything…sadly, this is also true in real life.

I guess thats what the doctor should say to the patient: You can’t get everything hurr durr.

If you are not a PvPer then this discussion doesn’t have any affect on you. Scatter.

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If the cancer is not curable and terminal. And brain cancers are not usually the ones that are easily treatable sadly… Should he say “Dont ya worry. I will fix this!”. Doctors are not Gods and cant save absolutely everyone every time.
Since you were so keen on that cancer example…

Oh. I am sorry your highness. I didn’t knew I had to get a written permission from you to post on a Blizzard forum.

Also this was posted in the general section. So everyone can read it and comment it. Even pet battlers if they want to… …your majesty?

Idk, man, you’re disgustingly irrelevant in this discussion so imma leave it at that. Not gonna reply to you anymore.

Indeed. Cause I am not a “yes-man” and have an unpopular opinion. Imagine that?

Ty. Appreciated.

Bring back pvp set bonuses that add X ilvl and 2 trinket set bonus


They should offer useful gear. You know, not blue starter items, but gear that actually makes you competitive.

I can’t speak for others. Personally, I was cautiously optimistic from the moment I heard they were bringing back vendors. You ought to know it’s not just a matter of getting vendors back. There’s more to it than that. Are people really in the wrong for assuming Blizzard would be inclined to know this much? I don’t think so myself.

Why are you so antagonistic ?