SL PvP vendors are not good enough

This is perfectly ok. People who dominate the entire game are entitled to dominate pvp as well. However, I think the reverse should happen, too, and people who choose to invest in pvp should be entitled to a pve advantage.

You’re comparing your ideal gearing system to corruption right now. You argue that something isn’t a problem because you already do it with corruptions, yet somehow this is a compelling argument because it comes from someone on youtube.

i really don’t agree with this, but it is pretty commonly said in regards to pvp. it’s refreshing to see it being said the other way as well, though. i’m well aware of how my fellow raiders would react if you needed to reach 2200 in 3s to get enough gear to make a dps check or get an orange prase.

it’s improbable that you want the same stats in pvp and pve. haste is more powerful than usual in pvp for casters, vers is more powerful for everyone and crit is much weaker.


Oh so the argument the youtube made is irrelevant because the goalpost can be moved in order to prove his point regardless.
Also there’s a massive difference between being optimal in both game modes and balancing the game around an extra stat. Obviously you can’t prevent people from using 2 sets but the goal Ion was talking about is to make the game feel somewhat playable at entry and mid levels.

The issue is that there is no such thing as “getting better at PvP” anymore. PvP is 100% gear at the moment. A C tier player has no issues defeating an A tier in PvP when he outgears him. I used to be able to defeat better geared players because I knew what I was doing and because I was better at PvP. That is no longer possible.

I shouldn’t need to get better at PvE if I want to get better in PvP.


I totally agree that gear is too powerful these days. But also that classes have become too simple and each spec lacks variety. I kinda want the old talent system back, not because “hurr durr comlpexity” but because to an extend it allowed you to mix and match from different specs, which allowed you to potentially have some aces up your sleeve.

Sadly, I don’t think the gear power gap is gonna go away. It is definitely harmful to the game. In BFA each season held more or less an entire expansion’s worth of power. We started with 305 ilvl and now we are getting to 480+. This is insane. I have more than 5 times more HP than someone who just dinged 120. And I’d be fine if it was double the HP. But 5 times? Gear is too much.


Not sure why there isn’t a gear scaling system in place either.

I disagree, but we can talk nuance.
As I said already, I don’t think gear from one or the other scene should be useless. If you’re a mythic raider, then yes, you should have an advantage with your gear over basic ‘honor’ farming scrubs in a random bg, for sure, but competitive arena players? Hell no.

I am all in favour of bringing back a PVP stat!!!

I prefer when PvE and PvP gearing are completely separate and no use in the other.


this whole issue boils down to Blizzard once again not understanding what their players want or misinterpreting it.

they probably scanned the forums for words and found that “PvP Vendor” or something came up a lot and so they are adding one in Shadowlands.

the real problem of people having to do a lot of PvE in order to compete in PvP still stands, this only wasn’t a problem in older expansions because we had PvP only stats or gear scaling like in WoD (not in Legion).

the only complaint I often see against this seems to be that it took to long to farm those “extra sets of gear”, which is a strait up lie when comparing it with now, I famed those sets every season with multiple chars and I never had the feeling of it taking too long and on top of that you were still doing PvP and not something entirely different.

Blizzard really needs to step up their game when it comes to understanding player feedback.


Personally I think the issue is that ilvl reward does not correlate to difficulty in PvP. Because difficulty in PvP is an abstract concept, a battleground is as easy or as hard as the players and circumstances that are in it, rated or not. PvP doesn’t “get easier” as people get more gear in the same way that raids or keys do. It’s just a completely separate aspect of the game.

Personally I don’t like PvP specific stats though, because as a spec that really wanted specific stats to feel good, having to give that up at times to get stats specifically for PvP did not feel good.

I miss WoD gear man.


Blizzard, let me play my damn game. It’s why I am paying you. No one cares that PvE players can achieve a dps check on a scripted oversized mob week after week and grind so they could kill said oversized mob faster several months in the current patch.

Bring us back resilience or pvp power or see another “Nostalrius” (but this time for WOTLK or MOP era) rise as people flock to private servers.

You reap what you sow and right now I’m seeing you reap a lot of unsubs and unhappy players.

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To be fair, there was a lot of talk about bringing pvp vendors back, but not nearly so much talk about what they’d sell/currency etc. Maybe we should’ve made more noise about pvp vendors selling gear with a new pvp stat.


that’s true but maybe there is still a chance since they haven’t done the PvP testing phase on the beta (if there even is one? lul).

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The pvp vendor items were placeholder until a week ago, they only gave them names because people found a way to buy them. There’s literally one per slot, and they all look like legion levelling gear.

I think what you are trying to do is nothing but again shrink difference between hardcore player and casual player. Nobady forces you to do pve to be optimal. Yes players what will commit to do pve and pvp will have advantage over you which is totaly fine. Have advantage over players becouse you enaged in far more variety of high end content is totaly fine. You deserver to have this advantage over someone who just spents his time doing only pvp.

No you do not.


I am aware but Ion stated in some interview he did like 2 months ago that there is no plan on bringing back a PvP only stat for Shadowlands when he was asked about the datamined item that had PvP Power on it.

so unless they re-consider their decision on that or they plan on doing a WoD like scaling system we can take a good guess on how PvP gearing progression will look like once the game is live.

Yes you do. You play more and engage in more content = you deserve more rewards.

Not if that content has no logical baring or relevance in the other content. Even as someone sitting here with 480 ilvl, I hate battlegrounds right now, because the delta between ilvl and player power is so ridiculous that actual good games happen so little that it’s not even worth my time to try and find one.