SL should Bring PvP stats back

Shadenox : this is for you

  • htt_ps://

if you want me to ask blizzard : Blizzard , pls let me make 1000 hits :slight_smile:

Another dumb and blurry screenshot. Are you okay ?

LOL hmm, the idea is not what the picture looks like and just enlarge the screenshot lol
- the idea is that you can’t lose damage from the fact that Blizzard controls incorrectly important modifier like Critical Strike chance :slight_smile:

we dont know how long the soulbind and legendary grind is. then there are conduits with different ranks. we dont know how to obtain them and how grindy this will be. There are not all stat variations on pvp gear so we have to farm pve for gear again…

so not a “little bit of pve”

Yet this “little bit” may be more then enough.

These whole external power sources seem preety dumb to me, but I guess I’m from a time where character power was tied to characters and the game made sense.
But if Pve players got to do it I think pvp players should do it.
I want legendaries disabled in pvp though.

Dâedra , Broxiz - they deliberately do not learn their lesson .
I watch their scenario all the time!
-Huge Rdd damage+absorbed enemy damage , Demon Hunter (who receives no damage ) , Pve in the content of Pvp , PvP items without the necessary stats and etc and etc .

Blizzard chases people out of the game and they don’t care - fools will always come - :slight_smile: :wink:

A few points here.

We do know that obtaining the initial legendary item won’t take very long. In an interview with Morgan Day – Lead Systems Designer – he said that players would acquire their first legendary item through normal play before the first raid tier begins (and thus the first PvP Season).
I imagine it’s a system where the first legendary item is basically free and where the focus is on introducing the player to Torghast and the Runesmith and collecting reagents and finally crafting a legendary item. Because that process is integral to the expansion, it’s one Blizzard will introduce in an easy manner – so you get your first legendary item practically for free. And if all you want to do is Arena, then you really don’t need more than that one BiS legendary item.

Soulbinds should also be relatively easy. It’s basically just the progression system that goes along with the Covenants. And as you progress through the Covenant campaign, you’ll unlock all your Soulbinds. It’s the equivalent of your Class Order Hall Campaign in Legion. You’re not going to die of exhaustion because you need to play through the initial storyline pertaining to the expansion.

Conduits (and the possible ranks pertaining to them) are acquired from max level content, and I’d be surprised if that didn’t also include PvP. So if you just want to do PvP, I’d wager that you can get your Conduit needs covered through that. And again, if Arena is all you want to do, you really just need Conduits for your preferred choice of Soulbind. That’s 1/3rd of the job a more versatile player is faced with.

As far as PvP gear, the vendor, and the stat combinations on items are concerned, then I don’t really see the problem there either. It seems like a storm in a glass of water to me.
If you are a pro eSport Arena player, then I might see where the need to min/max to the 99th percentile comes from – because you’ve likely optimized every other facet of your gameplay.
But for everyone else, the inability to succeed at the highest level isn’t hindered because you don’t have access to every possible stat combination for every piece of gear.
Besides, it’s not like every stat combination has ever been presented to players before. Not through any PvP vendor iteration in the past, and not through any raid instance either. I mean, it’s not like the raider can find 5-7 stat variations of plate boots within any raid instance. That has never been the case, so I’m not sure where this expectation has come from that the PvP vendor should suddenly equate to full access to Blizzard’s internal item generator. It’s World of Warcraft, not Build-A-Bear, so some limitations do exists in regards to customization.

Finally, the direct comparison between PvE and PvP seems a bit twisted to me.
I mean, if you are a player who only wants to do Arena or other aspects of PvP, then that’s a limitation you apply to yourself.
But it seems wrong to say that that if someone is interested in raiding or running dungeons or doing world quests, then they are by definition interested in everything pertaining to PvE. That seems like a bit of a stretch. It’s perfectly reasonable to assume that a lot of raiders aren’t more interested in doing Torghast or Covenant quests than an Arena player is. And someone who enjoys pushing Mythic+ dungeons is not necessarily keen on doing raids or world quests either, let alone professions or what have you.
I think it’s doing a disservice to the argument to generalize players by implying that the Arena player only wants to do Arena and nothing else, and that the PvE player wants to do everything that isn’t PvP. I don’t think it’s that black and white, and certainly not as it pertains to features most people haven’t even tried yet (Torghast, The Maw, Covenants, etc.).

Jito - To some extent this is true , but you can’t understand : That is PvE elements in the PvP , which destroys the PvP content

Two questions for you , Jito :
1.Why has Blizzard nerfed Versatility in the PvP after the blizzard allowed a lot
pve elements (M+ items and corruption and etc) ???
2. I play only PvP and the question I have is : why is it that when i play with pvp items , I am kicked from the dungeon, from raids ???

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People who acquires PvP gear for PvP should have advantage against people who are doing PvP in PvE gear. If you decided to commit your time in wow for raids and M+ it is your choice, but if you decide to go in PvP with your PvE gear, you should have disadvantage because people who committed their time and effort for PvP, spend their time to acquire gear for be better in Player vs Player situations.


nah you need like 2 or 3 mist likely because you switch them dependend on which comb you face

there will be different conduits from different sources and i guarantee you that there are going to be Raid conduits which are BiS for PvPers.

its not 1% change. Try play disc with crit gear in arena for example. If you dont 50% versa as disc right now you are in a HUGE disadvantage. Did you play any pvp this expansion? Everyone at 1800+ has perfect offstats on every slot. Its a huge difference if you have 30% crit or 30% versa in arena for example.

yes but back then every pvp gear had a PVP STAT like resilince so the gear itself was superior to pve gear even though it didnt have the perfect stats.

there is almost every stat comb in raid and m+. And you can spam m+ until you have it

of course there are players who like to do both. I also like to raid for the first 1 or 2 months but I dont want to be forced on every new charakter i play to do content i dont like in order to play content i like.


Again, like I said before, I feel like this is a way of oversimplifying things.

I mean, one activity of the Venthyr Covenant entails putting together a fancy party.
I’m not sure doing that is any more PvE than it is PvP. To me it’s just an element of RPG that a game like WoW naturally has some of.

And again, these progression systems aren’t really designed for a hardcore raider or progression-focused Mythic+ player, anymore than they’re designed for a high-rated Arena player.

They’re just expansion features that the MMORPG inevitably revolves around in order to deliver its story and create genre-fitting RPG-based gameplay.

It’s really no different from previous expansions with the Heart of Azeroth, Artifact weapon, or Garrison. They are features that are rooted in an RPG experience and which Blizzard uses to anchor the story and create context for everything else.

The Corruption effects were too powerful. That was the feedback provided by the player community.

I don’t think that has anything to do with the items being from PvP.
It’s probably because your items either have a low item level, so you don’t perform to people’s expectations. Or you’re not a good player and people kick you for that.
In Battle for Azeroth there’s no design difference between items obtained from PvP and PvE. A pair of boots is a pair of boots, regardless of where they come from.

As far as Shadowlands goes, that might pertain to something like the PvP trinket, which will be an item acquired through PvP and which is really powerful for PvP.
In later patches when Blizzard re-introduces class sets, we might also see PvP set bonuses with a strong emphasis on PvP prowess.

Well then you need to run some more Torghast like everyone else who wants a large selection of legendary items to choose from. Your choice.

I won’t really comment on baseless speculation. So far the information is that they’re available through max level content. Everything else remains to be seen.

But we’re talking Shadowlands.

In BfA the total of your character’s power is very much centered around your items, because most of the progression systems are integrated into items –Azerite Traits, Corruption Effects, Heart of Azeroth levels.
The side-effect of that is that your gear matters a lot. In BfA you are your gear, so to speak, so the choice of stats is important, because it plays a huge role in how you perform when coupled with all the aforementioned systems.

But that’s not the case in Shadowlands.

In Shadowlands the items are very stripped of character power.
They only give stats.
No Azerite Traits.
No Corruption Effects.
No Heart of Azeroth.
No Titanforging.
Just stats.
Instead, a lot of your character power will come from the Covenant systems – Soulbinds, Conduits, Covenant Abilities, and legendary items. That’s where Blizzard are packing all the character power into.
So whether or not you get crit on every piece of gear will matter far less than it does in BfA. What will matter more is that you unlock your Soulbinds and get your legendary item.

I’ve always felt that playing alts is an extra burden.
If playing 1 character is 100% time and effort, then playing 2 characters is 200%. If you can’t commit double the time or effort, it’s also a bit unrealistic to expect that the game should accommodate your needs regardless, so you can play that second character.
Now, Blizzard does offer some catch-ups and shortcuts here and there, but inevitably it falls to the player to invest the extra time and effort. I mean, playing a second character means playing the game through a second time. It would sort of undermine the integrity of the game if characters could just skip through all the progression aspects of the game…in a game that is progression-oriented.

The extreme example is the alt-aholic who has 50 alts and complains to Blizzard because there aren’t enough catch-up mechanics and the game isn’t alt-friendly enough, because he doesn’t have time to do everything on all his characters.

I mean, play the amount of characters you have the time for.

Personally I kind of feel this alt-friendliness is getting a bit out of hand.
I have 10 hours available for WoW per week. Why don’t Blizzard make the game more alt-friendly so I can have 25 ready-to-go alts alongside my main that I play 90% of the time?!
The request is getting ridiculous.

If you want to play an army of alts and have them all progressed to a competitive level, then become a nolifer.

OMG man !!!

  1. Jito , play in the content of PVE (raids , dungeons ) with PVP items , pls - you will never have a high dps - WHY ???
    2.The PvP items and trinkets - There is no variety in the choice - I’m talking about the secondary stats - WHY ???
    and etc.

If that is the case, it is either attributed to a low item level of gear, or suboptimal performance by the player.

A pair of boots from PvE can look like this:

[Primary stat]
[Secondary stat]
[Secondary stat]

And a pair of boots from PvP can look like this:

[Primary stat]
[Secondary stat]
[Secondary stat]

There’s no difference.

The PvP community have always given the feedback that RNG is bad, and therefore the design for PvP trinkets is a lot more conservative – and with a higher degree of user-control – than the design for PvE trinkets. Generally speaking.

Yet you forget to mention that you only can reach cap of conquest once per week, while no one is limits you with your tries in M+. And knowing how blizz balance items in PvE you will have vast variety of trinkets like bike.
In PvP you’ll have CC removal trinket, in PvE you will have some item that will deal gazzilion of damage.
In PvP you’ll have CC removal trinket, in PvE you will have some trinket that will shield you from the damage on short CD.

Because of that crap, we need pvp stats back or Special PvP set bonuses.

I think it’s too early to judge how the PvP gear acquisition will work out at this point.

You know there’ll be a vendor and there’ll be Conquest points.
That’s it. The rest is guessing.

With regards to trinkets the recent announcement about the Medallion effect should mean that at least 1 PvP trinket is mandatory. And I honestly think the other PvP trinkets are going to be sufficiently good as well. The first raid tier is usually not when the PvE trinkets have the most crazy designs.

It is likely that PvP set bonuses will make a return when PvE class sets make a return, which Ion Hazzikostas has said is something that will happen at a later time in the expansion.

If we won’t critique blizz now, they won’t change anything. Now it is the time to speak outloud about all that crap that they made.

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But for the time being I’ll stick to what they have actually presented so far – and to me it looks fine, generally speaking.

Well, every single DPS player of the Blizzcon 2018 had Mythrax tank trinket equipped.

My point is more that Blizzard introduced a lot of new PvP trinkets during BfA, which – if they transition to Shadowlands – should make for a more compelling selection of PvP trinkets relative to PvE trinkets.

The Medallion is a given.
So if any one of Maledict, Spite, Breach, Safeguard, or Emblem are viable choices, it’s all good.