SL Trinket Bonus revealed

I think Blizz is preparing for secondary stats to go big in SL, otherwise I can’t see a reason for them to add stat DRs

I’m sure if anything becomes an obvious issue, that they can solve it.
We’ve been through the Skull of Impending Doom scenario before, so it’s not uncharted territory.

I mean, what it comes down to is the design goal of having PvP provide quality gear for PvP, with many of the items being BiS, and which is also adequate for PvE, and which can be acquired through reasonable means in PvP.
And they seem well on track to accomplish that. :white_check_mark:

On the PvE side the goal is that the PvE items are generally adequate for PvP, with some items that may be really good for PvP - maybe even the best by a small margin.
And if some PvE items are better than the corresponding PvP items by a huge margin, then they will nerf them.
That also seems like a rather realistic goal to achieve. :white_check_mark:

Between what Blizzard have said and what they need to do, there really isn’t much standing in the way. For once it’s not a case where Blizzard and the players fundamentally disagree on the design goal. Desired implementation may differ, but the end goal seems the same, so I don’t see a huge cause for concern.

+20%? :laughing: Get ready to see DWarlocks and sub rogue party. :hugs:
Mr. cheapshot-oneshot is wet.


It’s not.

Based on wording, it’s clearly not that.


Covenants are obvious issue. You have to make choice before you can test it, therefore relying on people to guess correctly. And if you have to guess, less people will try different things. Leading to actual meta slavery.

There are talents that you need to take for PvP, but once in a while, you can try different talents if you think it suits your need better, although they’re not the cookie cutters, and see if it works for you. For example my Arcane Mage friend is actually playing with Time Anomaly, which is quite an anomaly.
But if he were forced to pick one talent for the expansion, he would never be able to test it and find out it’s good for him. He’d go for cookie cutter and stop there.
Leading to more boring builds that people are forced to, because they want to be viable and testing things out is impossible.
Similar to corruptions but actually even worse.

Then it’s issue again when they try to balance them and therefore change prefered option of covenant.


I was referring more to trinkets.

Covenants are a can of worms in and of themselves. I’m not sure how that will play out, but the PvPers who are obsessed with BiS and min/max, they shouldn’t be affected very much by the Covenant choice. They’ll just pick the best, similar to how they already pick the best Race. And if the perception changes in regards to what the best Covenant is, then they’ll just change Covenant.

I don’t foresee that to become a big issue. It’s probably more an issue for people with multiple interests. But hardcore, devoted Arena players should be fine I think.

I literally gave you an example.

Covenants restrictions prevents you from trying out different builds, that might be BiS with your arena composition, not for your spec in general however.

So you’re wrong. It’s not so clear what’s BiS nor are you able to test it, so you’re supposed to make your choice blindly.

Which is supposed to be an issue and you’ll fall behind.

But then again you don’t even have counterarguments to issue I presented.

When something becomes meta, you have to risk a lot to try something else. Therefore more people will lean to the meta covenant. Which is boring.
And an issue.

I think I put in numerous words in my posting to indicate that I wasn’t speaking off a strong conviction, like me saying “I’m not sure how that will play out” and “shouldn’t be affected very much” and remarking Covenants as being a can of worms.

But thank you for going ballistic on my response regardless.

This is a discussion about PvP gear and trinket bonuses. You came in here like a drunk monkey wanting to tell me what you thought about Covenants. I gave you the courtesy of reading and responding to you. Now you seem to think we’re having a passionate and fierce debate on the matter? We’re not.

Make another thread if you want a back and forth on Covenant choices.

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I just replied to your conviction that if something becomes obvious issue, they’d change it.
It doesn’t seem like that.
And I gave you an example of a very obvious and well communicated issue that they are not willing to change.

There’s literally trinket that deals 13k dmg from Raid. I think that’s about 50% of somebody’s HP. But you’re in a way right, it’s not as strong as Drest. It’s stronger. In less versatile meta.

Unfortunately, 20% is way to low, at least for the first 2 seasons.
With 10-12% vers the bonus is 1 - 1,4% dmg increase… Mind Blown.


Guys, the tooltip says 20% to the benefit of versa. Doesn’t that mean that it increases the % value of what you get and not the flat amount of versa you have or the % of your versa? Shouldn’t that transalte to more versa stats then?

It says 20% of your verse which means if you have 10% verse you will receive an additional 2% verse and you will end up with 12% verse.

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Upon looking into it, it actually doesn’t say that. It says: The damage and healing benefit of Versatility is increased by 20% when in Arenas, Battlegrounds, and War Mode.

The blue post also says “This bonus will increase the damage and healing benefit of Versatility”

So if I am reading it correctly this time, this would make our versatility stronger and not that your versatility stats are increased by 20%.

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how do you nerf :

Even if it is 1% redirected dmg it will break cc.
It is like sacrifice now available for every single spec. Because face it, you can even equip it as dps class lol


Lower the damage shared.

Does not break crowd control effects.


You do realize that CC ist broken no matter how high the dmg is? Im talking about sheeps, blind and trap. Sap. Breath.

would be equal as removing the trinket and we all know that just will not happen.

look at all the rubbish trinkets that pestered bfa.
All they did was slap on some blanked nerfs that reduce some % dmg which left them still op

I realize it’s a video game and the programmers are Gods that make the rules.

Again, we’ve been through the Skull of Impending Doom scenario before.

I give up. Your replies still make me Mad even after years. Continue to ignore your rubbish.

I don’t see that as being equal. You can preserve the intent of the trinket whilst still reducing its power in PvP and curbing any unintentional side effects.

I enjoyed the conversation, for what it’s worth. :+1: