The trinket bonus will be useless unless all pve trinkets are either disabled or reduced by like 75%. Some of the effect ones are pretty strong (afaik there’s a spirit link trinket?) and there’s an on-use trinket that does like a third of your hp. Who cares about 4% extra damage if that exists.
To be fair, they could just make it not break CC. Vitality conduit doesn’t, eye of corruption doesn’t, so it’s not exactly out of the realm of possibility.
True. I could live with that.
you mean like drest and claw got nerfed right? Or vodoo totem? or all the tank trinkets in S2 and S3. How can you argue that they will nerf pve trinkets if they never really did that. they want pve trinkets to be op in pvp. its their vision. They just baited us again with that “solution”. I knew it before. They dont give a fck about pvper
they said the majority of pvp gear will come from pvp. As it stands right now in Shadowlands this is not the case. 4% dmg buff is not enough in comparison to strong op pve trinkets. Its a joke. How can you design a pvp specific bonus to prevent pve trinkets from dominating pvp and make the bonus basically worthless.
its not. its just not.
No. Ion Hazzikostas has said that he considered the late or total absence of balance changes in response to imbalances to be a failure of BfA and it would be something the developers would seek to avoid for Shadowlands.
The issue he said, was that Azerite Traits came off to a bad start, and the developers had to spend several months trying to fix it, effectively taking away time that should otherwise have been spent on supporting the game balance.
And that work burden has basically just been carried through to he entire length of BfA, with game balance being down-prioritized.
With Shadowlands Beta they made an effort of getting all the game systems up for testing very early on, to hopefully avoid the same train wreck.
So we’ll see.
If I shared this opinion of the developers being deceitful and dishonest, I wouldn’t play WoW in the first place.
You cant be serious? Do you know how long it takes to reduce dmg from a pve trinket in pvp? It takes literally 1 minute. Its one line of code. They were well aware of how strong drest, vodoo and claw are in pvp etc. Do you really think they dont have the resources to balance this? you cant be this brainwashed holy sh it.
How can you be so delusional. Its unreal how someone can defend this.
they say things all the time. Just look at the first iteration of the pvp vendors. They have no idea what they are doing.
of course they are? its their job. If they say: “ye sorry guys we want you to play pve because its our vision and we want to show our investors how engaged the average player is in different contents, so dont expect anything good for pvp cya boys”, then people will riot.
I have to say the conquest vendor is in a okay state right now on beta. IF the ilvl is good enough i will most likely can wear a full set of conquest after 12 weeks or something. Before that i am still forced to pve to fill out the remaining slots but ye i just have to accept that they dont care for pvpers at all.
by the way pvers wont need to pve again because who needs versa in pve? nobody. but its expected from pvpers to farm pve all day. pathetic
Well to be fair he COULD have changed it the moment he said it?
I mean its not really time consuming to slap on a % nerf here or there, is it? Yea its not perfect for balancing but still better then put the head in the sand and run away?
I mean its like they say one thing and continue to do the same thing again and say yea its a mistake but well we still do it again lol
How can you be here if you can’t?
I won’t pretend to know how Blizzard structures their work. I assume some producers assign tasks and allocate hours and developers to various tasks. And for BfA I got the impression that reworking the Azerite Traits required All the time and all the developers. And then catch-up with the rest from there.
Wow, I didnt think they would introduce this buff and then make it so weak that it’s basically going to make zero difference.
I thought they would use it to actually prevent PvE trinkets in PvP.
I thought the 2 set was pretty bad until i checked beta. A fully pvp geard character in season 1 will have about 25% versatility so ull be losing out on 5% dps and the dmg effect if u break the bonus to swap to a pve trinket.
Thats pretty big if u consider the op proc trinkets in bfa like leviathan and Harbinger were dealing about 10% of someones dps.
What might be interesting though is someone not running a CC break trinket and just going 2 pve dps trinkets instead which i could see happening depending on their race/comp
Will be the same as now. Who needs sustained if its all about burst.
Let no joyful voice be heard,
Let no man look up at the sky with hope,
Let this day be cursed by we who ready to wake… THE JITO.
“We don’t want people to have to haul multiple sets of gear to do content”
Versa - haste isn’t nearly every specs bis stat in PVE
Surprised pikachu face.
So they just give us a (worse) version of a pvp stat, while also failing to fix the issue they wanted to fix. On top of that the 20% bonus is very low. Pvp item levels are still miles behind what they should be, and it takes way too long to upgrade a set.
Why not just go balls to the wall and just give us a dedicated pvp stat, because this compromise doesn’t really catch any of the things it tries to catch?
I don’t know why anyone would talk with Jito about PVP, he demonstrated hundreds of times that he does not check any numbers and his reasoning is merely that it will all be well because it can potentially be well. This BS reasoning fails every time Blizzard don’t live up to that potential - which is almost every time - but this never stops Jito from posting his bogus reasoning again and again.
That said, I did look at the numbers and while the buff still seems lower than it should be, things might be not all that bad.
Here’s one illustration, using numbers from the beta:
In full honor gear, ilvl 190, you have ~30k HP, ~1000 primary stat, 25% versa.
Boost from the DPS trinket is ~300 primary stat = +30% DPS for 15 sec every 2 min. The DPS trinket that procs does ~130 primary stat = +13% DPS for 20 sec every 1 min.
The bonus from having two PVP trinkets is +20% effectiveness of versa, so +5% versa which works all the time (sans the defense bonus) = +5% DPS.
So, the bonus is comparable to one extra trinket. It is worse than the on-use effect because, obviously, even though +5% all the time works out to more than +30% for 1/8th of the time, burst kills better. But it is perhaps roughly on par with the proc trinket because +13% is much closer to +5% and for the total pressure +5% all the time is a little higher, +15% vs +13%. I would already start taking +5% all the time over the proc for some cases.
Now, that’s merely us comparing to other PVP trinkets. If we compare to PVE trinkets like Drest, Drest will win. But Drest happened at the end of the expansion, by the end of the expansion the versa bonus will be higher as well. They will still need to nerf things like Drest, but it might only be a couple of cases (heh, I start sounding like Jito here, yeah they might drop the ball no question).
In sum, I think that the bonus should be increased to 25%, or better yet, 30%. But 20% isn’t too shabby either.
No. The trinket from Crucible of Storm dealt damage to the user for 30s, everyone went crazy because they said healers would be CC immune thanks to that using your logic, and guess what, it didn’t break CC even if it killed you.
For once, he was not talning rubbish, after all. You just assumed wrong or didn’t remember this particular trinket I guess !
I don’t say that they will make it not break CC, to be clear. I’m saying that they have done it with some items in the past so it’s not impossible to imagine that they could if they deemed it necessary.
I think they just learned from the current expansion and want to avoid the mistakes they have done. Just watched Dakkroth and all values were between 10-15% in arena, which was already upgraded to the best possible item level in season1.
Exception was Versatility that got up to 24% because of the pvp trinket bonus, but that also means the bonus is kind of worthless. He got 4% out of it which gives him only 3% more damage. I do not think that this value will keep pve trinkets out of arena if they are really broken in pvp.
It usually is. Some class designs went just so weird that they were tanky enough without. But the default answer is, that versatility will always be the best secondary stat in pvp in general! If you want to know it in detail, just ask.
Only currently with the corruption, but without that every class scales exactly the same with versa.
As if pvers would not minmax everything. Especially as soon as it becomes a competition like world first kills or mythic dungeon tournaments. They pick the best possible setup for their group and everything with bis gear as well.
He doesnt know anything he never played competetive pvp at all never
I mean he has knowledge here and there, mostly his point of view is based on statistics i think, but he tends to be advocating blizzard most of the time, secret agent i suppose.
That makes those who complain most of the time, into secret infiltrators?