SL Trinket Bonus revealed

Not necessarily.
Vitality Conduit redirects damage and doesn’t break CC.

If I had choice between doing 13k dmg burst with trinket or +5% dmg at all time, I’d choose the 13k dmg burst with trinket.
So I think it’s very safe to say it’s bad.

It literally does not say that.


Not 13k vs 5%, 13% vs 5%. I don’t think the choice is so clear. Or maybe you are talking about the on-use burst, that’s 30%. This is much better than 5%, of course.

They should buff the 20% bonus they added to 25% or 30%.

U are not comparing a 13k trinket VS 5% flat dmg. U are comparing a 13k trinket VS a 5% flat dmg AND an onuse stat pvp trinket for example.
A max ilvl onuse PVP trinket will give u about 23% more dps during its uptime so it will be competitive. Which was their goal. Not to remove pve gear from pvp entirely but pvpers should be competitive by just doing pvp.

Also lets be real here for a sec. The 13k trinket will probably be nerfed as soon as the first clip of someone getting 1 shot by them surfaces or it wont be as strong as it seems since the tooltip is weird and its physical dmg so its affected by armor.

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Don’t forget! The CC trinket is coming back as well, so it won’t be that useless as some people say.

He talks a lot before every expansion release.

It is not. On the beta it seems like with the vendor changes that you can get up to 20% versatility at max. With the trinket bonus you get additionally 4% offensive versatility, which is 1.24 / 1.2 = 3.333% more damage and healing.

Sure, the trinkets have a value on its own, but is the value strong enough to be more worth than broken pve trinkets that will most likely come? Definitely not!

And nobody said pve gear should not be viable, but pvp gear should be best for pvp in any case. This goal is definitely NOT accomplished!

If min/max is only something for pvper as you have said, then what pver cares about if his gear is in total only 5% less good and his trinkets have no value in pvp? Cannot be too much of an obstacle, if you have to get 2 pvp trinkets from the vendor before you can start to climb the ladder. You need to get the medallion first anyways, right?

If Ion could finally agree on that, it would be easy to fix pvp gearing and scaling!

Same for Jito. To be honest, he talks a lot before and during each expansion. :laughing:

Nobody said it is crap, most realistic people just say that it is not enough! That is a difference.

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That was never their goal. Their current goal is people should be competitive from just doing pvp and they should be 90-95% as strong as someone who does both pvp and pve

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How could you be competitive if you are 10% behind? Again, this is not pve. It does not work this way in pvp.

And they said it should be globally for the game like this. But where is the benefit for mythic raider to do pvp? Have not seen any so far. In fact, if you want to focus on raiding, you can do so and get BiS gear from it. As long as that is the case, why do I have to pve to min/max?

Raiding got the ultimative source of gear since BfA for any aspect of the game. This is clearly Ion’s signature and the reason why we should finally replace this incompetent gnome.

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I don’t know, is drestagath nerfed? It’s possible to one shot somebody with multiple drests.

If drest and claw are nerfed, it doesn’t feel like it. Its like “okay I’m at 50% hp, I’m in danger of being “one shot””. 75% if you take into account MW melee cleave teams.

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I’m talking about PvE trinket. So please don’t correct me.
It does 13k dmg. Not 13%.

So Not “Not 13k vs 5%, 13% vs 5%.” but 13k.

Do you think if you added this bonus on current trinket, that people would run them over Drest?
I mean not the literal bonus, but let’s say if you have both PvP trinkets you gain +5% dmg.

I think I’d run it over drest vs plate teams and maybe mail target teams but anything else, doubtful. But then, rogues scale terribly with vers; I could see a WW always want it as BiS.

well the question is whether the trinket not synergizing well with rogue would make you run a different trinket or a different class

I’m not a professional theory crafter and I do not know much about Rogue or Monks, but both classes scale equally well with versa.

For both means 1% versa 1% more damage. But that being said, at the moment Monks scale better with it than Rogues, but this is only because of corruption.

Of course you could say that for Monks versa is the most important secondary stat, while for Rogue it is not necessarily the case. But this does not mean that Monks scale better with versa, only that Rogues scale even better with other stats damage wise.

I just looked over the PvE trinkets and I don’t think these PvP trinkets are better then the PvE ones, for PvP, not even close, some of those PvE trinkets are insane, and there’s even a Cheat Death trinket…

For Monks it also means more healing. For Rogues, it does not. Crimson Vial isn’t affected by Versa, at least in BfA. A strength of WW seems to be that ability to sustain themselves by healing, running if things are too dangerous, and healing again. Healing teammates, too. Versa helps there, quite a lot.

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There should be more reasons for pveers to pvp and they said they want to have it that way as well.

There would be if the pieces on PVP gear in shadowlands weren’t all Versa + X with the versa amount outweighing the other secondary. There’s actually a ton of specs who have versa as their 2nd best stat. But pvp pieces will probably not be BiS if versa outweighs the other stat all the time. Tanks and classes like DH and WW have versa as their best stat so they will have to pvp if they want to be bis in pve aswell. The onuse pvp trinkets were also BiS for pve for about half the specs until CoS so it might be the same in Sl.

Raiding is also not the best way of gearing because there’s a limited amount of stat combinations on raid gear, which is why the last 2 bosses now always drop higher ilvl pieces.
M+ is actually the best gearing method given enough time due to the weekly chest. Which is even getting a buff in sl since ull be able to choose 1 out of 3 m+ pieces.

No u cant 100 - 0 someone with multiple drests and drest is physical aswell and the dmg can get soaked by pets or teammates stacking so its not even that consistent. If the shadowlands trinket is just a straight up point and click 50% hp delete theres no way it wont get nerfed.

With all versa amps and conflict stacked u are at 60% baseline versatility. So the dmg gain wouldnt be 5%. It would be 12% instead on top of the trinket effect which can be another 20% versa so 20% more dmg. So yes i can definetly see people use it vs certain comps or just straight up replace it.

Were also pretending like pvp trinkets were useless the entirety of bfa compared to pve which is just straight up not true. Maledict was the best trinket until it got nerfed twice because people cried about it. Same with safeguard until the cd got nerfed from 2 to 3 min. And spite is a great trinket right now depending on the comp ur facing.

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Yes, to some extend. But a rogue benefits from the damage as much as a monk and also have the same damage reduction. This is mostly the reason why versa is so strong. That healer and hybrids in general scale doubled by its value is not new, therefor their defense downscales a lot more with dampening precisely because they have to heal.

In the case of windwalker I think even his damage his scaling down because of the talent that heals him and deals damage by that heal amount. Less heal, less damage. I do not think that a damage source of rogue gets reduced by dampening?