Slow download speed

I have 250mb up/down, and just did a speedtest - it’s all working fine.
So how come I can only download at 50kb-150kb/sec on the launcher? I don’t have a limit set on the downloads. This is taking forever and been having this issue for about a week now.

Please fix your download servers!


We’re not aware with issues on downloads from our patch servers. Have you tried a different connection temporarily like via VPN, or mobile hotspot? This is only for testing purposes.

Thanks for the quick response. In this last hour my patch did finish, so I will have to test those suggestions the next time I have a patch to download and provide a result of that here.

I can confirm. Today was a small Wrath Classic patch, around 50 MB. I could download only with speed around 60 kb/s. No limits set as well. Did speed test also and all is working fine on that end.

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Same, small patch for Wrath. 100/100 connection, downloading at 120KB/s atm.

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Nice to see others have the same problem, means it’s not on my end where the issue is.

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Same here, 500/500 line, slow as a turtle :frowning:
Kinda reminds me of the launcher problems a few days ago

Yeah, experiencing this as well right now. It’s going so slow I thought something had broken on my side. Restarted everything but no success. It’s not a crazy time to wait but yeah.

Same problem for me! :confused:

Same problem here! Downloading at 200 kb/sec. Normally im at 20 mb/sec. I’ve tried everything!

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My update is stuck on Initializing. Cleared cache, flushed DNS and started as admin but still stuck. Husbands download worked fine, but it was very slow.

Update started now, but it is very slow.


Same here, bought new PC, and cant download Wotlk Classic… Its only problem with Battlenet games.

Has any of you actually reported this as a potential bug?

Forum posts are not bug reports.

Forum posts are not bug reports.

But it’s a place where you report technical issues.

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Hearthstone goes full speed. WoW max 200 kb/s

Well, my speed is 200kb/s, same as 12 years ago. I guess if u wanna play classic now days, you get full package of everything. Including dinosaur speed donwload

This problem still exists! I have been waiting now for around 1,5 hours for this small update to be done…

bro im waiting for 7 hours, and its only 49% xDDD


I have to add my voice to this one.

Me and wifey wanted to get some action goin on tonight. Looks like there will be no action.

Turned on game after VERY long time and download is at "Initiating (42.91/301.47 MB) or something but just never fineshed.

Hers is downloading the game at 462 KB. So sad. Hers started download at 5+MB but slowly went down and is now hovering around 400 KB.

No clue whats going on. Any ideas?

I restared my pc
I reinstalled
I deleted previous installation and tryied installing game

did scan and Repair
also started app as administrator


Update: Luckly it only needed like 3-4% to get to “playable” mode. But it was slow as :slight_smile:

Guys you have small patch, i have whole game :smile: