Slow download speed

Baseline with 1Gb up / down connection: downloading WotLK Classic starts 2 MB / s but quickly drops to 200 kB / s.

Changing the download server from EU to US without VPN did not affect the download speed.

Turning on VPN or switching countries increased my download speed momentarily to as high as 20 MB / s but it slows down after couple of minutes. Tested with Berlin, Germany; Baltimore, US and Tokyo JP.

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Me and a guildie had issues too with this, was getting stuck on “Initialising” or just downloading very slow (in the Kb’s).
I uninstalled the Public Test Realm for Wrath and it immediately downloaded after that. Got my guildie to do it and it resolved it for him, so check if you have the Wrath PTR or another PTR client installed, and try uninstalling that.

I don’t have any PTR installed but still it was super slow.

Hello from India. Same problem here. I was on wifi with 42kbps then switched to ethernet cable and it was 52kbps. Now I’ve connected my mobile hotspot, now ranging between 300-320kbps. Definitely some server problem on blizzard’s end. All other apps, youtube, and downloads work fine!

Been stuck in this phase last 15 mins, yawn.

E: Killing the agent process fixed it


1000 mb/s internet here and I’m downloading at 500 kb/s. Initializing never finishes. Flushed DNS, tried reinstalling game which obviously failed since I can’t download ANY files, tried killing processes from Task Manager, tried restarting PC, power cycling all hardware including PC and router etc.

No luck. This has to be an error on Blizzard’s side, I’ve never had this happen before. I wonder if the patch servers are under a lot of stress currently due to we getting closer to WOTLK launch? Something’s going on.

Blizzard, help is appreciated here!

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Tried 3 different connection methods, and didn’t do anything.

Update: Picked a VPN from the Netherlands and it suddenly started working.

Very slow download here too. I have a 1Gb/s internet, but less than 1 Mb/s download speed. Download speed actually gets slower and slower; two minutes ago it was around 500 KB/s, now it is down to 300KB/s.

Download was very slow for me too, and I couldnt play until it was completed.
Something abit hinky going on!

Same problem here. Download speed seems only to affect WoW, since everything else is downloading correctly.

Ongoing issue right now game says 255mb is needed intalizing is stuck at 0% yet i see it being downloaded but through KB.

Yeah same problem for me too. I have a 1000/1000 connection, and the download is suuuper slow. Everything not wow related is working fine.

Same for me. Download is so slow and can’t get past 0%.

Yup, same problem. Download speed incredibly slow.

WHAT?! Many people from at least few days have problems, including me. Wired connection 1000/300 Mbit and it can’t download anything or when it’ll download it’s VERY slow. Stop joking and fix it.

I switched country by using a VPN and now it finished instantly.

I had this same issue. I was able to finish the download by using a vpn through Japan.

It can’t be a solution. Good VPN to download with fine speed is not free. And now Blizz can go play CS because they don’t see a problem XD

I had this on live and PTR, it was at 65kb/s. 5 mins ago I paused it and started it again and then it went to normal speed. I’m not silly enough to think people haven’t even tried that, but maybe something has happened on their end since your issues and it now works if you do it. Try it.