Small lag on quest turn ins and WQ completed


The small update earlier fixed this for me too!

Not 100% fixed, still there is a some lag here and there as camera turns or during running/movement…

^ This, same issues, back to the workaround I go, my FPS was higher with that anyways.

Looks like Blizzard closed the topic on the US site after deeming it ‘fixed’, Also still no bluepost update here, it seems the EU Devs are really far behind or care less about keeping us informed, either way, according to Blizzard the latest patch is the fix.


I got yesterday many addons:
Elvui / Moncai compare / World Quest Tracker / bartender / Move anything / vendor sell / gather mate 2 / Bagnon / Ui Nameplate/ Titan Panel

I got also yesterday a bug Pixel with the addon Elvui, so i try uninstall All Addons, an look for new UI addon, i take GW2 ui + nameplate.

Now i dont have any Freeze on quest completed & World quest completeds.

I note, around 30 people on guild, got this problem and uninstall the Addons, one of the addons give a lag / freeze givin the quest back, so try one per one uninstalling and check it !
But for sure it’s not from blizzard, it’s from a addon problem !!

For more of 50 people i got helped yesterday on Ogrimmar, they tell me thanks, working, just say goodbye to one of your addons!

Well, I checked in today, updated, and re-started my pc—it seeems to be working. However I am still keeping an eye on it.

right after playing some more, I still have frame drops… :confused: no freezes, but My frames drop to 46-50…which never happened before the patch. I did a heroic warefront and I had a lot of frame drops, and also Nazjator just hanging around the settlement—produced frame drops. so I am also back to the work around. (also I have no addons!)

This seemed to be solved yesterday, but now apparently there is another problem, FPS Drop…

I checked if it was Windows 10 update making my pc slower, then I removed some visual optimizing options from use, updated battle net. Gonna be watching my FPS now. I will disable addons next step. If it also doesn’t fix the problem then it means we have a new one. Now time to observe.

Edit : Observation complete.Seems like there is no problem.

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Someone hasn’t read this forum post.

I’ve stopped using, just using the batch file, things work fine, better FPS, smoother game anyways.


No! it’s still not fixed!

/edit with the awesome batch file issues are gone! TY @Raijin :smiley:

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Love how Blizz has completely stopped caring about the EU side of this issue, US form kept receiving replies, here? nope.

Alright, after yet another hotfix patch after the one that supposedly fixed it, it seems most people their usses have gone away, I suppose mods can close this topic now!