720 replies on the US forms about this issue, for a game that exists for about 15 years and has people paying 13€ for it each month I’d of expected this to be fixed within the first 2 days, we’re now heading to the next reset and there is no foreseeable fix officially released by blizzard yet. All we get is the ‘We’re working on it’ and ‘Stay tuned’ from the CS’s that respond here who only do their job, but for a company this big it’s quite bad to see it go down this far, simply disable the log files.
I’ve seen enough ‘hotfixes’ drop since the bugged patch released and none of them have done anything to fix the HDD issue.
I myself will simply be using the workaround from now on untill I see a blue post either here or on the US forms telling me things have been fixed.
My game is running on ultra fast ssd drive, and it is so laggy when I turn quest! I have over 100 fps in middle raid fight, and you I have no why developers cannot fix this issue if almost everyone have it.
So I got very excited when my Battlenet launcher downloaded a patch this morning…I logged in, and exactly like before I lag and have huge cpu spikes when that occur…so I am also back on the work around again----this is getting very silly… oh the only thing that has been fixed are the random emissary quest bug which is gone.
For my surprise when I logged in the PTR the same problem exists there.
The solution is to put both the “Hotfix” and “Tooltip” files on the “Logs” folder of the current version of the WoW you’re playing (PTR, Retail, Classic) to “Read only” by clicking on the files and then properties.
For more information on this read the thread above.
Waiting for an official fix, until then will use the workaround to avoid unnecessary strain on my computer.
Would also like to point out that this occurs in high-end SSD’s aswell.
i am getting this small lag every time something gives EXP like chests or rares or quests, normal mobs are not a problem but everything else it seems to give me the small lag.
Hahahahahahahah, You’re kidding, you gotta be kidding right? R-Right guys? Anyone? This is what we wanted right? Same stuff different client, r-right guys? But hey! Mechanomes and Foxes! That’s what you wanted, right guys? Right?
Who cares about customer happiness and a client that works without shortening the life-span of HDD’s and SSD’s, we just need 8.3 on the PTR!
This is becoming very stupid, the other day, I used the workaround and it worked perfectly! been doing some quests, and boss, and not a single lag freeze, now because of small update, it goes back to normal, and to top it up with, every time I modify the security of my logs, it forces my WoW client into an update which leads back to the same issue. What is this all about Blizzard? want a fraction of the playerbase to just give up and quit this game?
It works perfectly if you’re on the battle.net app, you modify the security, game is normal, every time you log out of the app, in my case, you have to re-do the whole procedure for a smooth experience, but still, why do I have to do that every time? could blizzard, please, fix this problem?
Just use the batch file that was linked earlier, do not even touch the bnet launcher except when there’s an actual update, then close it again, just don’t touch it
@echo off
set wowpath=O:\World of Warcraft\World of Warcraft_retail_
simply change the location of the wowpath to your retail folder, and launch wow via the file, I do this daily, not only has it quit freezing, it has actually improved my game performance.
Edit; For people curious what it does;
attrib +R “%wowpath%\Logs\Filestuffhere”
simply changes the files to read-only, thus, preventing Blizzard from -writing- to the file, which in initial causes said freeze and lag.
As stated in my previous reply before the edit was made, do not bother touching the battle.net app, whenever you launch it, it reverts the changes made, refer back to my previous post on how to ‘bypass’ this.
Thanks for your patience while we work to nail down the exact cause for all this to get it fixed, and for sharing effective workarounds with each other, and the community as a whole. Just chiming in to say that it’s still being treated as a high priority issue for our team, it’s just being a bit stubborn.